Israel – Our Eternal Inheritance

  • (January 24, 2012)
    Our eternal destination is the land of Israel in the Kingdom of Yahushua, then 1000 years later in the Kingdom of Yahuweh
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  • (November 5, 2011)
    Powerful study on one small area that will change the world forever
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  • (November 20, 2011)
    Israel wants to be a part of the nations, yet Yahuweh has called Israel to set-apartness
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  • (January 27, 2012)
    What does the Word have to say about the destruction of all flesh but a remnant? World War III was planned to with Israel
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  • (February 24, 2013)
    The Word speaks of our crowns, but what does that mean to us?
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  • (January 7, 2014)
    Jeremiah 30:7 speaks of “Ya’cob’s troubles,” not just Judah’s troubles. The whole House of Israel will experience the purging fire of Yahuweh
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  • (February 2, 2014)
    Reporting on a powerful visitation I had in Israel 2013, during which the visitor gave a powerful word of warning to Yahuweh’s people
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  • (February 22, 2014)
    Scripture studies on what the Word has to say about Messiah’s Kingdom on earth
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  • (March 1, 2014)
    Scripture studies on what the Word has to say about Messiah’s Kingdom on earth Part II
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  • (March 8, 2014)
    Scripture studies on what the Word has to say about Messiah’s Kingdom on earth
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  • (July 27, 2014)
    A brief study on Genesis 49:8-12
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  • (September 21, 2014)
    A study on Genesis 1, and a call for Yahuweh to enter into His rest, knowing His family loves Him (Psalm 132:8, 13-14)
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  • (November 7, 2014)
    Scriptures on the return of King David to rule with Messiah in His Kingdom
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  • (June 13, 2015)
    Zechariah 12:1-3 is happening, the nations are uniting against Israel
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  • (June 27, 2015)
    Pictures and Scriptures that show the end of end-time Babylon
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  • (April 15, 2016)
    What did King David know and prophecy that few know about today?
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  • (July 15, 2016)
    Exciting reality that we can look forward to
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  • (July 21, 2016)
    We were created to live in the eternal realm, and never be fully satisfied while trapped in time
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  • (September 9, 2016)
    Learn more about the ten "days of awe" and Yom Kippur to help you spiritually discern our times
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  • (September 30, 2016)
    A very important study into the timing of this great earth-shaking battle that will end all battles
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  • (November 17, 2016)
    Connecting what happened the Night of November 9-10, 1938 in Germany to what began November 9, 2016 in America
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  • (December 4, 2016)
    No coincidence - what is the message?
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  • (October 9, 2017)
    This year of historic events and anniversaries is a wake-up to wrap-up call to Elohim's people
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  • (October 16, 2017)
    Study with me using the transcripts of podcasts on the book of Revelation posted under Audio Teachings, using the Word of Elohim, and the reference materials I suggest, to help you clearly see the Truth of our modern-day reality
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  • (October 17, 2017)
    We must go through tribulation to purify us and prepare us for the Kingdom, but never forget that our Beloved said " this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer - I have overcome the world."
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  • (October 17, 2017)
    "For still our ancient foe does seek to work us woe; his wrath and power are great and armed with cruel hate..." but never forget our promise: " Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us!
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  • (October 17, 2017)
    "When you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned...for I am Yahuwah, your Elohim, the Set-Apart One of Israel, your Savior."
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  • (October 17, 2017)
    Our most awesome future! Let us press on to the finish line, looking to Messiah, the Author and Finisher of our faith!
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  • (October 28, 2017)
    Yahuwah is a Father who loves His children! He can no longer tolerate what evil men are doing to harm His children. He has to put a stop to it!
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  • (November 19, 2017)
    Knowing the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar's prophetic statue dream of Daniel 2 is paramount to understand what we are watching unfold worldwide that will weigh heavily on our future
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  • (December 2, 2017)
    Our future depends a great deal on our understanding of the supernatural forces behind the rising of a Fourth Reich or Empire. It is imperative that we understand what we are seeing, and where it is heading to. We don't want to be left in the dark; we are children of Light.
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  • (December 6, 2017)
    Today's news is exploding outward into all the world from Jerusalem
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  • (December 24, 2017)
    Keep watch as end-time Scripture-Prophecy unfolds faster and faster!
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  • (February 27, 2018)
    If this actually happens it will not bring the sought-after peace, but will serve to ignite and unify the over 220 prophecies of the last days before Messiah's return
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  • (May 10, 2018)
    We celebrate this historic anniversary with Israel - with prayer, with praise, and with petitions before Yahuwah for peace, and for the safety of the Jewish people. We call for the Prince of Peace to come and bring shalom to His Land, to our Land.
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  • (May 12, 2018)
    We rejoice in Israel's statehood! It is our eternal homeland! We also are aware that Israel has had enemies since May 15, 1948 who have banded together for her destruction. While we celebrate Israel's 70 years, Muslims worldwide will celebrate 70 years of "Nakba," - catastrophe. May 15, 2018 also is the 1st day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. This is an unusual historic week. Let us be in much prayer!
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  • (July 25, 2018)
    Sharing how modern Israel is setting the stage for the final events of the "end game" before Messiah returns, innocently, and not innocently. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
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  • (December 9, 2018)
    Whether the dedication of the Altar for the Third Temple goes forward in Jerusalem as planned on December 10, 2018 or not, the hidden agenda has been exposed to those who understand the coming world government and who know the real purpose behind the internationalizing of the Noahide Laws
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  • (January 19, 2019)
    A confrontation between Israel and Iran in Syria comes more into focus today as the two armies are facing off. Also, a dangerous "peace" plan by President Trump is being brought to light. We can see where it will lead in its short-range, and long-range, goals, because it is prophesied in the Word many times. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!"
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  • (February 11, 2019)
    This is "frightening truth" simply because it is so aligned to prophetic Scripture that is right in our face right now. It is a sure marker of the timing we're in. Abba wants us to feel His urgency, because the urgency of the agents of the Beast system are loudly telling us their plans, thus signaling the righteous of Yahuwah's plans also. Please make this your Word-study, so that when you hear the deception, you will recognize it and will not fall for it. Act! Prepare!
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  • (April 18, 2019)
    April 16, 2019, President Trump made a historic affirmation, along with Chabad rabbis, along with the Governors of all 50 states with rabbis attending, to celebrate Rebbe Schneerson's birthday and celebrate his international goals in Education and Sharing Day. What "international goals?" - The implementing of the Noahide Laws! This article is filled with important information you must know, because the means to the goals are fast being set in place internationally and in Israel.
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  • (April 21, 2019)
    This article is loaded with information you must know! I expose the depths of satanic evil that is drawing the world closer to the appearing of anti-messiah. I expose where this evil is leading all humanity to. Kabbalist Jews are nearing the time for their "Great Purification." You must know their plans for their purification, because it has to do with you and me. Yahuwah our Abba is ready for His "Great Purification." We must solidly align to Him so that we come out on the winning side!
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  • (May 3, 2019)
    Shocking information is compacted in this study-article, exposing the centuries-old plan of Satan's Elite which has been hidden under a great deceptive cloak, but is now being uncovered and made public, because the plan will soon to be openly exposed to the world. Learn all you can. I compact a lot of truth with revelation from Abba in this study so that you are not deceived!
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  • (May 7, 2019)
    This is the 7th and final article, for now, of a series exposing the great deception that will, if possible, deceive even the elect. I have been exposing shocking, but true, facts that you must know to avoid deception. This final article includes quotes of rabbis and other Jews going back to the 1800s that give proof of all that I have been writing, plus pictures of the underground synagogue and proof of secret involvement by America with it.
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  • (May 29, 2019)
    This is the 8th article in the series exposing Babylonian Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism and its plans for world rule through the global-approved Noahide Laws. Now we know what the world religion is and how it was unified by leading Rabbis of Israel through the Vatican, all the way back to Vatican Council II in the 1960s. This article builds on the first 7 articles, explaining the truth behind everything we're seeing surface now in Israel, the Middle East as a whole, and the world.
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  • (June 3, 2019)
    This is article #9 in the series about the Noahide Laws, Kabbalah, and rule of earth by the Babylonian Talmud. The great apostasy that precedes the arrival of anti-messiah is now taking place globally at a great speed. It is such a subtle deception that it has the potential of damning billions of people. It is aimed at taking eternal life from the true "chosen-elect," those whose names were written in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world--those with faith in Messiah Yahushua/Jesus for salvation. This deception is pulling in even once Word-solid Messianic leaders who now embrace the lies and promote them.
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  • (June 5, 2019)
    This is part 10 of the Talmudic Noahide Law series. This article/study contains explicit and shocking information, quotes, and specifics, as to how the Plan from 1871 is now nearly in place to bring on the world ruler, anti-messiah, and his global government ruled by the Babylonian Talmud, Kabbalah, and Rabbinic Judaism. This pulls together even more understanding of the information given in articles 1 through 9.
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  • (June 12, 2019)
    This is #11 in the series to warn and prepare those who love Yahushua Messiah regarding the coming of the Revelation 12:11; 13:11-18, and 20:4 life or death choice, and to expose what will finally fulfill all prophecies to do with the world government and the antichrist/anti-messiah system. This article answers the question: Was the creation of the state of Israel in 1947-1948 really the beginning of the 70 year fig tree generation prophecy spoken by Messiah?
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  • (June 14, 2019)
    This article is #12 in the series exposing formerly hidden roots of end-time prophetic fulfillment, so that we see clearly what is now coming from Satan, but also so that we see clearly what is quickly leading us to the return of Messiah Yahushua. Though this article exposes the roots of old and new American Laws, it also exposes International Laws, which are all based on the Babylonian Talmud with the goal of a one world government headquartered in Jerusalem.
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  • (June 28, 2019)
    This is article #13 in the series on the Rabbinic Babylonian Talmudic Laws and the extreme dangers of its Noahide Laws, fast becoming international law. This article contains almost all quotes from the Talmud itself and rabbinic interpretation, giving an overall view of what Talmudic Law really is, and how many laws of America, and global laws, are based on it's reasoning.
    These quotes give a complete picture of the Truth, unveiling what has been hidden through ignorance, so that we are no longer deceived. Compare these quotes with the Word of Yahuwah and see the extreme opposites in nature, ways, and thinking between what is of Him and what is inspired by Satan himself.
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  • (July 11, 2019)
    Unless you live in a country where believers, Christians/Messianics, are being persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, and killed, it is hard to imagine the depth of the hatred for "Jesus," "Yeshua," or "Yahushua," or by whatever name the Savior is called in various countries. Here in article #14 of the Noahide Series, I give you not just a glimpse of the intensity of the hatred, but direct you to its source to let you know why the intensity is growing in such great strength worldwide.
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  • (July 12, 2019)
    This is article #15 of the Noahide Law series. The subtitle of this article about the Sanhedrin's September 26, 2019 Noahide Conference in Jerusalem states: "This is a total masked deception - Yet clearly unmasked to those with knowledge and discernment." The Israeli news article about the conference is loaded with key words intended to mask the deception. In my article, I tear off the masks and expose them. As in articles 1-15, I expose all the deceptions clearly!
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  • (July 15, 2019)
    This is article #16 in the Noahide Series. This article presents a good case of who will be acting as Judge, Jury, and Executioner of those who will not submit to the Noahide Laws, will not deny Messiah, and will not place their lives under the rule of the Chief Talmudic Kabbalist Rabbis of the Sanhedrin. Fulfillment of end-time Bible prophecy is now accelerating beyond our imagination. Prepare for Messiah Yahushua's return!
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  • (July 16, 2019)
    This is article 17 in the Noahide Series. The information just gets more and more shocking. But, it sure clears up what we've wondered about as we've studied end-time prophecy! This article will clearly show you that Revelation 13:11-18, the famous passage on the "mark of the Beast," has to do with the Noahide Laws, Kabbalah, and its mystic Gamatria, for all these are interlocked in Talmudic Rabbinic Judaism.
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  • (July 18, 2019)
    Secret plans, secret deals, the new world order is moving to headquarter in East Jerusalem. The counterfeit of Daniel 9:24-27 is about to be acted out. Daniel's prophecy was almost all about Messiah. False Christian teaching has made it almost all about anti-messiah. The symbolic chess pieces are being put in place for the final show down between light and darkness. Why is the Trump-Kushner Peace Plan like no other ever presented? I share some information you sure won't hear on public news, or in your church or congregation!
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  • (August 6, 2019)
    This article-study is #18 in the series on the roots of Talmudic Judaism and the soon enactment of the Noahide Laws globally. This article will answer a lot of questions about the roots of the "seed of the vipers," and explain the meaning behind the words used by John the Baptizer and Messiah, who both strongly addressed the Pharisees and Sadducees. Learn where it all started--the roots of the Babylonian Talmud and the pollution of the tribe of Levi, and of Judah. Find out why at Messiah's return, He will have to particularly cleanse the "sons of Levi."
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  • (August 12, 2019)
    There's a new hook in the jaw of Christians and Messianic believers. But, it is from Yahuwah? It sounds good on the surface, but what is behind it? How involved should we be? In what way should we be involved with those that not just bitterly hate our Messiah but who want to deceive us out of our eternal life?
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  • (August 21, 2019)
    How can anyone believe that the redemption of God's people will be achieved through their intense sinning? Multi-millions from 1666 CE believed this philosophy of false messiah Rabbi Shabtai Tzvi. At the time, 70% of Jews believed him. Years after Tzvi's death, Jacob Frank took his teaching to a loftier level worldwide. Multi-millions of Jews, Muslims, and Christians bought into this belief, so much so that it has become a major foundation for everything we're seeing today in preparation for the coming antichrist/anti-messiah.
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  • (August 24, 2019)
    This is #20 of the series exposing the plans that the most Elite world rulers have for those who love Yahuwah and Yahushua, our Father and His Son--our Savior and Messiah. Orthodox Jews themselves are speaking out boldly against that which they know to be the wicked operations of Chabad, even though Chabad is promoted, supported, and funded by the U.S. and other leading world power-nations.
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  • (September 16, 2019)
    This article is #21 of the series exposing the deceptions in the Talmudic Noahide Laws and of Rabbinic Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism in general. In this article, I critique an article from Breaking Israel News telling of the September 27-29 Conference in Jerusalem that includes
    a "Noahide" animal sacrifice on the Mount of Olives. All these articles have been written with the love of Yahuwah and His warnings for you that you must take seriously.
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  • (September 29, 2019)
    The "gentile" animal sacrifice, organized by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives, began the September 2019 Conference of 70 Nations. The sacrifice was intended to renew the Covenant that God made with Noah after Noah exited the Ark. This historic event became a highly controversial event. Critiquing an amazing article from Breaking Israel News about this sacrifice, I reveal what was loosed under orders of the Elohim of Israel as He viewed this attempt to promote the Noahide Laws among the nations.
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  • (December 16, 2019)
    This is an examination of the newly signed Executive Order by President Trump on December 11, 2019. What does this mean to you? What does this mean to America as a nation? What is the real purpose behind the impeachment proceedings? It is only a facade, a smokescreen, a diversionary ploy with a goal in mind! Will Presidet Trump win the election in 2020? Benjamin Netanyahu is very happy about this Executive Order. Should you be?
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  • (December 18, 2019)
    This is indeed breaking news that escalates end-time prophecy into a new reality. This went public December 16, 2019 from The Jerusalem Post. I share with you what has been brought to light from pubic sources and from personal sources, both from inside Israel. Already nations are reacting to this news. This "Deal of the Century' is being backed by billions of dollars, and the infrastructure is already being built to facilitate the Plan within Israel. This is a definite sign post for those looking for the return of Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus.
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  • (January 29, 2020)
    A brief news update to let you know that out of the meeting between Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and President Trump on January 28th, has come the decision to make the "Deal of a Century," the "Peace to Prosperity" deal, a two-state solution, dividing the Land as the Bible has prophesied. Just shortly after the meeting, a 7.7 earthquake occurred in the ocean 77 miles from Lucea, Jamaica. Is this a prophetic message? Some believe it is.
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  • (February 24, 2020)
    Along with all the many prophesied signs of the soon return of Messiah Yahushua, the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53, is the urgency of Israel's Talmudic Kabbalist rabbis for the return of their messiah. This article reviews an interview posted on Breaking Israel News with one of Israel's top rabbis about their urgency.
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  • (April 2, 2020)
    This is #23 of the series regarding the setting up of the Beast Empire, headquartering in Jerusalem, and the opening of the full extent of the 5th seal. There could be a big door opened this Passover Eve in Jerusalem that would bring down the events of great tribulation upon the world and lead to the appearing of the Beast himself. I do not say it will happen, but for it to be set up already like it is, something is about to break loose upon the world.
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  • (August 14, 2020)
    This is truly an amazing development that has many tenticles into many plans. It is a historic policy change. An oil-rich Muslim nation joining with Israel in full diplomatic relations! This is not a dead-end alley. This is the beginning of a unity that will aid the rise of the Beast kingdom, as other nations follow suit. Who is the Crown Prince of the UAE, and how much power does he really have?
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  • (August 15, 2020)
    This is a personal remembrance account of a very dark day in Israel's history that I was very much involved with and passionate about - because of my love of the people. Pray for the people of Israel. More dark days are coming. They are a strong people, but , like all humans, they hurt deeply when wronged deeply. Events are taking place right now as Jerusalem is being prepared to be the capitol of the Beast government. Pray for those sharing the Good News of Messiah with the Jewish people. and with rabbis too.
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  • (November 18, 2020)
    This article contains much revelation from I Samuel 17, regarding how King David was trained by Yahuwah - training that made him a mighty warrior even at age 14. There is a remnant rising who will face the Goliaths of our day and overcome, but in reality all will face them in some way. There is a lot of wisdom in this article that will help you make a decision as to where to put your faith for your protection in the coming days of evil.
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  • (February 17, 2021)
    Listen to Podcast CCLXIV under Audio Messages on Hebrews 1, and follow along with this transcript. Use the information in this transcript for your own study, so that the Spirit of Yahuwah can give you your own "revelation knowledge," as He takes you to many Scriptures throughout the Word. It is His great delight to show you things beneath the surface level that can be life-changing. Yahuwah has asked me to podcast the book of Hebrews. I will give you a transcript for each chapter as it is podcasted so that you might learn more of the richness of your salvation, and more deeply love the Lamb of Yahuwah who purchased it for you with His own blood.
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  • (February 23, 2021)
    This is the transcript of the posted Podcast CCLXV on Hebrews Chapter 2. Follow along as you listen to the podcast under "Audio Messages." I go into detail about how the eternal Son of Yahuwah was placed into the womb of Miriam, tribe of Judah, lineage of Nathan, son of David, so that you understand more fully what He did for us in submitting to being our Savior, from before the foundation of the world. How could He be both Deity and human, eternal, yet subject to time and death? Modern technology is like it was "in the days of Noah," where hybridizing, using Yahuwah's technology for evil by fallen angels almost wiped out the whole human race, as it is threatening to do now. Where did modern man get this technology?
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  • (February 25, 2021)
    This brief article is loaded with urgent time-dated information -- a crucial update, with pleas from Israeli citizens for your prayers. Links included for short videos from and about our homeland. Groundwork is being laid, and the world will follow suit.
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  • (February 26, 2021)
    Hebrews 3 leads us to consider the forty years of wandering by Abba's people in the wilderness after so great a deliverance from Egypt. We are warned not to rebel or go astray, or harden our hearts to Him, and thus not be prepared for our entrance into our eternal "Promised Land."
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  • (March 3, 2021)
    Podcast CCLXVIII is ready for listening under "Audio Messages," and its written transcript is posted here under the Mikvah of Israel... This chapter is loaded with Yahuwah's warnings, yet also with great encouragement that we have a great High Priest in heaven, our advocate/lawyer, before Yahuwah, who understands our humanity and intercedes for us according to Yahuwah's will
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  • (March 7, 2021)
    In the podcast on Hebrews 5, I pose the question: "Who was Melchizedek in Genesis 14? Use the transcript to follow along with the podcast. I go into many scriptures, and give testimony of my "encounter" with Chedoleomer in 1999, on site in the Midian Mountains. Was the Melchizedek of Hebrews 5 and 7, of Psalm 110, and Genesis 14, the King and High Priest of the village of Salem, which became Jerusalem, offering Abram bread and wine, Abram's first encounter with Yahushua?
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  • (March 12, 2021)
    This is the transcript outline of the podcast teaching on Hebrews 6 - Podcast CCLXX. This is a very critical chapter that you must lay before Yahuwah in prayer concerning your own life. Where are you in its warnings, in its pleading, in its absolutes? It presents a seriousness that is not known in today's world. It will tell you where you are on your journey, your accomplishments, and warnings of what is ahead, so that you know where you stand with Yahuwah.
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  • (March 15, 2021)
    This is the transcript used for Podcast CCLXXII on Hebrews chapter 7. A most complex chapter, comparing Messiah with the Aaronic Priesthood and with the Priesthood and Kingship of Melchizedek. We see the uniqueness of our High Priest and soon-coming King. No matter what approach we take at comparison, we cannot say for sure that Melchizedek was Yahushua, at the same time we cannot say He was not Yahushua. The point is that Messiah was primarily of the tribe of Judah, of the lineage of King David, and yet is our High Priest with no connection to the Aaronic Priesthood. While I answer questions, I also cause questions to be asked. Chag Sameach!
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  • (March 22, 2021)
    This is now podcasted under "Audio Messages" and also here as a transcript that you can follow along with. This update on who Melchizedek really was, is a capstone on Hebrews 7, taking you further into understanding how Messiah Yahushua was Yahuwah's extension into the earth from Genesis 1:1, 3, and Genesis 2 onward into our eternity in the Kingdom.
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  • (March 27, 2021)
    This is a special Passover Message, continuing on with the podcasting of the Book of Hebrews. I give much more here than in the transcript itself posted under Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. The anointing Presence of Yahuwah was strong as I proclaimed His heart to you - His people, His beloved children. Chag Sameach! Happy Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits week!
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  • (March 29, 2021)
    As with the transcript and podcast of chapter 9, this transcript and podcast of chapter 10 goes deeper into the reason we celebrate Messiah's death, burial, and resurrection. It was the sin of the world that was nailed to His stake/tree/cross. Yahushua did what the blood of bulls, sheep, and goats could never do. His death cancelled our debt and removed our sin, so that the Spirit of Yahuwah could live inside of us to transform us into His nature, walking in His ways and thinking, to prepare us for eternity in His Kingdom. Difficult statements in this text are explained in this study.
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  • (April 8, 2021)
    What an exciting chapter! What profound examples of living by faith, with expectancy of the coming Messiah ben David, Yahushua ha Machiach! Our brothers and sisters from Abel onward, are in a mighty "cloud" of the Spirit, cheering us on in our faith, telling us not to give up, because there is great reward in overcoming and enduring to the end with peace, joy, and faith, to stand before the Master victorious, and hear Him say to us, "well done, good and faithful servant..."
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  • (April 12, 2021)
    Chapter 12 of Hebrews is a powerful addition to Hebrews chapter 11. Chapters 11 and 12 bring the whole family of Yahuwah and Yahushua together as a united family. The "cloud" is cheering us on. I saw this in a powerful vision. Though it appears we go forward alone at times, we are never alone - those who have gone before us are cheering us on to victory.
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  • (April 16, 2021)
    Concluding the study of the Book of Hebrews. As a whole, Hebrews is a powerful book of explaining things - drawing together and uniting the whole meaning of the Word from start to finish, giving us Father's heart. The author unveils Truth from the first century CE understanding of what it means to follow Yahushua Messiah, and brings forward His Father's instructions for our lives in preparation for life in the eternal Kingdom of heaven.
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  • (November 3, 2021)
    A call to prayer quickly for decisions being made in Israel as of today that will affect all of its citizens and the direction of its government. I give background information and details. The things they want to pass in the Knesset are clearly spelled out for you to see. The underlying plans are going forward. Will Abba hold them back, or will He allow them to go forward? His love and mercy for us is to shorten the "days" of judgment. Align with Him in everything for total peace!
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  • (February 16, 2023)
    Lots of truth here! If you've not kept up with articles that this builds on for lots of years, you may be overwhelmed. However, my regular readers of articles and podcast listeners will simply put it together and understand thoroughly. I only have been led by the Spirit to the finest of research and reporters in contact with the highest of references. But, also, in living and traveling to many countries on five continents, I've learned truth from error. At the root of my nature is the love of Yahuwah for all people.
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  • (March 29, 2023)
    I'm sure you know about this. However, I include most recent information from one in the midst of it, and another with inside intel on it, and also explain the direction this is taking Israel and the world according to the Word of Elohim. Israel will go through much judgment, as will the U.S. and other western nations, for we have had the Word of Yahuwah and access to means of learning His ancient paths, but most have fallen onto the soft pillows of religion and not allowed the Spirit of Yahuwah to teach them. Thus, ignorance prevails. What is happening in Israel goes far deeper than what is shown on the surface!
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  • (October 7, 2023)
    This is a short letter - a prayer request that is urgent right now - sent to you for prayer and for hearing from Abba as to what to think, how to feel, how to act, what to say, and how to pray.
    # 99.0
    Downloaded: 203 times

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