- (November 30, 2011)The deep symbolic meaning of water immersion which is the foundation of a life of mikvahs (Colossians 6:1-4)# 1.0Downloaded: 3011 times
- (November 30, 2011)Die diep simboliese betekenis van die water doop, wat as fondasie vir 'n lewe vol mikvahs dien. (Kolossense 6:1-4)# 2.0Downloaded: 1374 times
- (December 22, 2016)Your act of mikvah/baptism/immersion terrifies the fallen ones of Hell because it reminds them of their hopelessness# 3.0Downloaded: 1128 times
- (November 23, 2020)Here is a review of old truths and profound revelations that make them new and more understandable. This is a warning as well as bringing exhortation, edification, and comfort. There is security in absolute Truth. Truth with human additives is "GMO Truth." It is not pure from the Creator. We want to be immersed into absolute Truth so that we are under no illusions in the days to come as our eternal destiny is being formed.# 4.0Downloaded: 323 times