This is the third in the Present Reality series regarding the historic midterm elections in America (November 6, 2018) and the massive migrant caravan movement towards our southern border, aimed to coincide with the midterm elections by those who are funding and orchestrating the violent happenings in order to take over America. The expansion of this caravan is amazing. It is NOT a peaceful movement but a violent one. See the pictures in the two previous articles, see the Antifa-symbol of the clinched fist used by the migrants.
Be sure to read the two previous articles under Present Reality and see the pictures so that this article makes sense. Events are building towards a dangerous confrontation! 1) Two Invasions Are in Process Right Now (October 23) and 2) Midterm Election Madness Using Violence (October 27). This article combines the midterms with the caravan arrival. Yet, the propaganda news media is not telling the people the whole truth, but using this to sway the elections. Don’t watch public TV news, or get opinions. Fox News may be OK, but I wouldn’t trust the either. Is best to hear from watchmen who have insider news that public news won’t touch.
This article has a long title: “The Migrant Caravan Crisis Builds – Trump Sends 5, 200 Troops to Border – Tanks and Artillery Deployed – Texas Minuteman Militia Prepares – America is Reaping What She Sowed.” It is #113.0 under Present Reality, or Recent Articles.
We can’t pray enough or prepare enough. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual health is extremely important. Our physical health and preparations are also very important. I am in Texas now, so I follow what is happening from a more personal standpoint. This is a sure invasion of foreigners who are violent, having stormed through the border of Guatemala, and doing much damage. Guatemala arrested 100 ISIS operatives out of the caravan. Among the migrants are Jihadist terrorist gang members, as well as drug cartel gangs, and other violent criminal elements. If the military opens fire, and/or the Texas militia, Trump will be blamed for killing “innocent people.” If they do not open fire and turn them back, these criminals will invade the nation and join those who are already here to take America down, like China and Russia. This is not just something coming into the western southern states. If they are let in, they will scatter all over the U.S. – for they are paid to do so by those who want America taken down, and out. China and Russia see this as a weakening of America, so that they can also take over.
I hear fighter jets go over from the near-by AFB on and off all day. It reminds me of my years in the north of Israel as the IAF flew over Lake Kinneret/Sea of Galilee regularly, on their way to the Golan.
Look at the Great Seal of the United States on the back of the one dollar bill. Its pyramid gives the exact year that began the final cycle that is now working to bring the anti-messiah to power. Our Abba does not want us ignorant! Yahushua has given us specific timing of the season of the return of Messiah. Make sure you are a servant of Elohim so you don’t miss His news!
Blessings, love, Shabbat Shalom,
Yedidah – November 2, 2018
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