“The Kingdom is the King’s Domain” is #66.0 under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure.

This is an encouraging article to lift you up into heavenly places – as you look for Yahuwah’s Kingdom to come, and “His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.” It is coming faster and sooner than most expect.

As we see the world’s rulers tightening their grip on each human being, we will only submit to the tight grip of the hand of Yahuwah upon us for our protection.

Please study the Word in the article “The Right Hand and the Right Arm of Yahuwah Is Yahushua”/Mikvah of the Covenant.

Western Christianity and Messianic belief, as a whole, does not give a clear understanding of what it even means to be born again, to follow a Master, to be submitted to Yahuwah’s Spirit for perfecting into blamelessness. In scripture, when we’re told to be perfect – it does not mean human perfection. It refers to the maturing process that brings us into right standing with Yahuwah and Yahushua by faith, submission, and obedience, so that we stand “blameless” before Him – without anything He can call “wrong” within us. Our sins all forgiven and washed away, as we live a repentant lifestyle.

Truly “man looks on the outward appearance, but Yahuwah looks on the heart.” The classic picture of holiness to the world’s people is a picture of a Catholic nun, kneeling in a corner of a big church, head bowed, eyes closed, deep in prayer.

Yet, she might be the sex partner of one of the priests, or a pedophile, at least in her mind, or a loather of anyone she thinks is beneath her – i.e. a “sinner.” She may have pride and/or a jezebel spirit. Only Yahuwah knows, but to the world she looks “holy.”

Of course, we know that “holy,” “glory” and around 23 other Christian words are from the names of pagan gods. The Hebrew word for “holy” is “kodesh.” It means “set-apart.” It is what is said over and over by the Seraphim in Isaiah 6 over the throne of Yahuwah. Abba says to us in Scripture: “Be set apart, for I am set apart.”

The truly “holy”/”set apart” ones are people who have within them the nature of Yahuwah and express His nature to others.

The church of western Greco-Roman paganism went on to giving a salvation message without understanding the Kingdom of Yahuwah, the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is why I like Dr. Michael Lake’s focus on teaching the Kingdom. If the Kingdom is within the born again, by His Spirit, then we must understand the rules of a Kingdom with a King.

I lived in Jordan for 8 years under a Muslim King. Yet, the feeling of being inside of a king’s rule, a king who wants to do right by all of his citizens, and residents with visas, is one of feeling secure, peaceful. King Abdullah was trained in England, his mother was English. He has been a good king to his people. Jordan’s rules are strict, tough, and hard on offenders, but not suffocating for the law-abiding. His policing makes sure that no one in the kingdom causes trouble or breaks his rules.

Yet, I never felt any “bondage” or heaviness. He does allow freedom of religion, as long as no one tries to convert Muslims to another religion. There was peace because people respected and feared the king’s right to rule. He kept close surveillance on all, in an amazing network of “law enforcers.” His military is excellent – American trained. His structure for the Aqaba Zone is American.

However, in the secular and the religious realm of western culture, in the nname of freedom, the King of heaven and earth is ignored, disobeyed, talked against, put down, demoted, shunned, and in general is considered non-applicable to one’s lifestyle. People make up their own rules and reject the rules of the King of kings that they do not like. They never think of the consequences of disobeying the King of kings.

This article is meant to re-adjust focus – from religious box mentality to the coming Kingdom of Yahuwah on earth under Yahushua.

In His love, Yedidah

November 14, 2020

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