Shalom, Joy, and Blessings
“The King David Warrior-Remnant Is Trained Differently – I Samuel 17” is #81.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.
Read I Samuel 17 and hear what Yahuwah is saying to you personally. This is what Yahuwah is doing now with His people – so that their training will go into effect in their lives from now on. David was trained so differently than anyone else.
If you are trained like he was trained, your boldness and faith and confidence in Yahuwah and Yahushua will like his as he faced Goliath and the whole army of Philistines. The enemy is either afraid of you and flees, or he moves in for your destruction. The earth is being filled with supernatural enemies of the fallen kingdom of Satan, and the training Yahuwah has given to His servants is now desperately needed to be our lifestyle.
This is an article that address our need for protection, whether by gun, arrow, or bear trap. How do we prepare for the insanity that will come to our doorstep– killer forces that we must stop before they do their harm to us?
We have choices. Saul’s armor was what he used to protect him. It served him well, until he got into a battle too severe for him to handle. After David killed Goliath, Saul’s army was bold in going after the rest of the bad guys. Goliath had terrified Saul and his army. King David, age 14, was trained differently, and died an old man in peace after spending a lifetime fighting Philistine giants like Goliath.
What we allow Him to do in and through us will determine our eternal position in the Wedding-Epic of all of Scripture. It’s our choice. There is nothing wrong with using natural means of protecting ourself. There is natural wisdom in doing it. However, we’re going to be facing a supernatural enemy who cannot be killed by bullets, sword, or arrow.
We must no mix faith – faith in our guns with faith in Yahuwah. That won’t work. So, I give you the proper balance and choices to make.
My conclusion in this article is that Yahuwah has trained a small army of His own, whose mind-set is like that of 14-year old David. What will that training do for this remnant in the last days under thousands of Goliaths?
May we learn and apply quickly what the Spirit says to us!!!
In His love, Yedidah
November 18, 2020