This article is a breaking news article entitled “The Israel-Hamas Accelerating War! – Over 300 Rockets Fired Into Israel From Gaza –Israel Says Red Line Crossed.” It is #49.0 under the Mikvah of Israel Our Eternal Inheritance, or recent articles. It includes the 1994 prophecy of Henry Gruver regarding Israel, Gaza, the U.N., and Zechariah 12:3.
In conjunction with this article, make sure you’ve read the previous one from November 12th: “Prophecy Aligning and Calling for Yahuwah’s Remnant Army to Arise to the Battle.” It is under the Mikvah of Separation, or recent articles. These two articles might seem like different subjects, but actually they are not – they are aligned.
Thank you for your prayer support! I’ve known for years that there would come a time when I would be reporting almost daily because of the buildup of end-time events. Pray for my increased physical restrictions, and against pain that is increasing, ask Abba for healing. Pray that He will strengthen me, for as He has shown me, my future work for Him will be greater than all my previous years of ministry, going back at least 55 years. I’ve had several dreams and others have had visions and words of prophecy of my running.
Here is the new P.O. Box address for offerings.
For giving tithes or offering love gifts:
1) New Address as of November 5, 2018: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162
2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on main page upper right hand corner.
In His love,
November 13, 2018