
“The High Calling Requirements For Going Through” is #177.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, or on the main page under “Recent Articles.”

This is a study. It is something I’ve wanted to get out to you for a long time. It comes as a supplement to the article exposing “Dominion Theology” for what it is – a man made money maker for those who have no idea what it means to be born again, but who read some portions of the Bible with a western-culture mind-set – thus not understand, for the most part, what it means to prepare for the Kingdom. The money-maker false prophets write lots of books too. It’s a tragedy how Yahuwah’s people in the world of lazy-religion are so gullible, when the Bible, as you’ll read here, is so clear.

Now I finally have some time to study some of these things since I am going to out-patient therapy to save my ability to walk. I can’t do much except do what I can physically to restore my ability to walk without terrible pain. So, I’ve been studying the Word in depth, and learning much from Abba. My calling is to prepare those who want to enter the Kingdom after going through their learning experiences of stress, hardship, pain of all types, who crave to know Yahuwah and Yahushua personally. Since July 2022 with the falls, breaks, pain, hospitals, surgeries, therapy centers, home therapy, etc. etc., I’ve learned so much depth from Abba about how He feels, how He thinks, what He’s doing, and how much He loves us.

This “article” is one exciting study that will clarify Abba’s nature, ways, and thinking that is so opposite of human reasoning, especially in the once-land of ease, affluency, pleasures, and carnal satisfaction, with a corresponding “God” into whose hand religious Cinderellas have put a magic wand. No, He’s not a “fairy godmother.”

He is Shaddai, El Yon, and we must do all we can to submit to Him, not Him to us!

We’re on the verge of annihilation at the hands of our own government here in America, but also its happening in England, also Western Europe – facing the end of it all created by our own globalist leaders. The lies are getting bigger and bigger to blame reality on the one Yahuwah calls “His servant.” The truth is surfacing for those who are not afraid of truth!

Last Thursday Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann interviewed Michael Yon who was live on camera from the Darian Gap, China camp area. Buses moving swiftly back  and forth to take Chinese soldiers and other people to the US border for crossing – every type of evil you can imagine is being bused through Panama and Costa Rica, up the Pan American Highway to the border of the U.S., given cell phones, credit cards, money, and taken to hotels for lodging and eating – all at the expense of our “friendly” US government.

I hope you go to and look up that episode from last Thursday and listen to it – or ask for my notes that I took on Yon’s interview so that you can study for yourself. It is a shocking interview, but it is real. It’s too real. You’ll learn things no one else will tell you.

Shalom, Yedidah, January 10, 2023

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