The Hidden Underground Synagogue of the Sanhedrin


“The Hidden Underground Synagogue of the Sanhedrin” is #56.0/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.

This is my 7th article exposing the Noahide Laws, Kabbalah, Gamatria, the Babylonian Talmud, and the DNA of 95% of all Ashkenazi Jews–Khazars posing as “Judah.” I’ve given you just a taste of the Great Deception that will, if possible, deceive even the elect, what the mark of the Beast will be, and how this deception has been in the works, beginning with the 8th century CE. It’s history! It’s scientific DNA research! It’s what Netanyahu knew! It’s just facts, but hidden so well that a huge amount of Christians and Messianics run the risk of falling into the trap of this deception. Oh how II Thessalonians 2:8-12 comes into play here. Regarding those whose “truth” is what they want to believe, they’ll receive the ultimate deception.

Among the Palestinians, Arabs, Kurds, African tribes, Mexican, Central and South America tribes, India and U.S. Indians tribes, are the real Judah traceable to Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob, and the majority of the Levites/Cohenim too. Yes…

This article contains pictures of the Sanhedrin’s hidden underground synagogue, and oh how it aligns to Ezekiel 8! U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is caught red handed at its dedication. That picture is priceless. Why is he the only foreign dignitary to attend this secret dedication?

Now Abba wants me to concentrate on teaching the remnant how to wait on Yahuwah and Yahushua, how to hear from Them, how to have Them manifest in varying ways. As I wrote in the recent articles “The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body” and “The Greatest Fear of Satan Has Begun to Grip Him,” also both podcasted under Audio Teachings, a remnant is being prepared, and it’s scaring the forces of darkness. These teaching will help prepare this remnant!

Shalom, in His love,


May 7, 2019

The Hidden  Underground Synagogue Of The Sanhedrin
The Hidden Underground Synagogue Of The Sanhedrin
390.1 KiB

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