“The Hidden Message in the Epic Locust Plague – The Timing of Yahuwah Revealed” is #100.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.
The hidden message is Yahuwah’s timing for us exposed in Exodus 10 along with Revelation 7, 8, and 9. The order of the last three plagues is seen in Joel 2, and other scriptures. This is a fascinating study. All the plagues of Egypt in some way are and will be manifesting in these last days.
This article has 7 pictures. This plague is not just in East Africa but spreading from the Middle East into Pakistan and India. It is so enormous that it is destroying the food crops of several countries, leaving them with famine and economic collapse. The swarms were to the east of the Red Sea in 2019, and continue into 2020. Now the swarms are west of the Red Sea in 2020, crossing from the Asian continent into the African continent – the “horn of Africa.”
So many precious believers are being affected in this life and death invasion of the “beasts of the earth.” Take these things to prayer. Though this plague is not new to these regions, this one is historic – a never was before plague because of its extensive area.
In His love, Yedidah
February 10, 2020