The Greatest Fear of Satan Has Begun to Grip Him


Just posted: “The Greatest Fear of Satan Has Begun to Grip Him,” #59.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Set-Apartness. This is a sequel to “The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body,” #58.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.

The last six articles, beginning with “The Return of the Natsarim for the Last Days’ Exploits Part I,” have laid a foundation upon which I build this article. This one will answer a lot of questions (hopefully), and send you to Yahuwah for your part in this incredible sign that is gripping Satan with fear.

These seven articles give you a Scriptural prophetic-overview of what Yahuwah is doing right now to prepare His people for the return of Messiah Yahushua. If you are truly born again, you fit into these articles as one of the overcomers, the victorious ones. You decide which place in these end days you want for yourself.

In these last six articles, I touch on subjects that I’ve never heard taught in churches or messianic congregations. The reason being is that He is showing His servants the prophets the last prophetic events. Please let me know if you are seeing these same things. I appreciate your fellowship.

Abba Yahuwah is separating His remnant out from religions of man. His remnant is taught by His Spirit. So, Abba is dealing with His end-time remnant radically different than how He has dealt with His people up to this point! A people this earth has never seen before, is rising. He is preparing to pour out His power through these trusted servants in the very face of the antichrist. You don’t want to miss it!

Yahuwah is eliminating in order to concentrate! He is eliminating those who have no desire to Him, to concentrate on those who seek Him with all their heart. Those that know Him love Him; they submit to Him and obey Him. Messiah will say to many who were once believers, yet dropped their baton and turned back from the race set before us, “Truly I say to you, I do not know you.”

My next series of articles will focus on “waiting for Abba,” as Moses once waited on the mountain for Him until He finally showed up and called Moses into the cloud with Him. It only took six days of waiting!

The dividing lines are being drawn. I have stopped writing to a general audience for the most part. I have not stopped reporting on important events however, for all are prophetically aligned.

The Israeli elections are a cliff-hanger! It looks, however, that Netanyahu will win again. We’ll see…! My focus is also on the coming of Jared Kushner in a few days to Jerusalem bringing Trump’s, and his, “peace plan.” It is a plan right out of hell – but also right out of Daniel and Revelation, a plan that precedes the appearing of anti-messiah! The stage is being set…

Abba has told me for a while to concentrate on teaching the remnant–warning, preparing, edifying, challenging, and encouraging. As usual, as He teaches me, I teach. I still warn about what is coming, for I am a watchman. But, I also minister in the prophetic realm, working with Abba to reveal to His servants what He is doing. He is gathering His servants to teach and prepare them.

Satan and all in his kingdom have noticed what 99% of Christians and Messianic believers have not noticed. The previous article and this one, expose what has been hidden.

So, dear ones: PLEASE do not skim-read! Study! Look up all the Scriptures and read prayerfully, asking the Spirit of Yahuwah to teach you. What is from Abba must not be treated lightly. I guarantee you, you won’t understand a thing I write here, or have been writing for a few weeks, if you skim. I am giving you revelation knowledge from the heart of our Abba.

These articles are for your study in the Word. You should read the previous two to three articles closely to understand this sequel. Plus, you won’t hear the Spirit teaching you if you skim, or treat His warnings casually.

Satan is surely not treating these signs to him casually! He’s noting them as a declaration of final war! What I have been writing in these last seven articles, and podcasting them all, is for a few who want the highest and best from their eternal life. We must pursue what we want out of eternity.

Let Yahuwah’s Spirit teach you and confirm what He is saying to you personally. He wants to talk to you personally! Give Him the time He needs to do that!

Great divisions are being made by the Spirit and by Satan–a few realize it. Your attitude towards wanting to know the deep things of Elohim should tell you where you’re headed. I pray you want the highest and best that He has for you.

I Thessalonians 5:23 is my prayer for you!

Shalom, in His love,


April 10, 2019




The Greatest Fear of Satan Has Begun to Grip Him
The Greatest Fear of Satan Has Begun to Grip Him
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