“The Grand Solar Minimum” and Severe Weather Changes

Shabbat Shalom!

The “Grand Solar Minimum” and Severe Weather Changes” is #227.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality, or the “Recent Articles” tab on the main page.

Is the weather “normal” where you are? I’m noticing strange changes.

This brief 3-page article will alert you to what will be happening from now on worldwide. We still have Isaiah 24, Haggai 2, and Luke 21:11, 25-26 in our near future. A lot is going on because earth is in new territory in the cosmos, but also earth has entered several cosmic debris fields. Much damage is being done to our outer atmosphere protection belts purposely by man. The Jet stream is holding down “charged particles” falling down from space, plus other factors, which lead us to be prepared in all ways. Clean air, clean food, clean water, clean morality – it’s all gone. Nothing is “normal” anymore.

WARNING! As of April 8th, Vladimir Putin has broken all ties with America, warning America to stay out of their conflict with the Ukraine. Yet, America continues to provoke Russia. That’s real stupid!!! Their nuclear super-sonic weapons are far superior to weapons of the U.S. in many ways. Obama really crippled our military under his regime. The Russian economy is DEBT FREE. Russia had a bumper grain and vegetable crop this year. They can feed their military. The U.S. is struggling to feed our soldiers overseas.

Putin is a hard and cold military man, an experienced warrior. He plays no games. He vows to protect Iran. He has broken relations with America. He has tried to call Biden on the Oval Office “red phone.” He has sent messages that he wants to talk with Biden. However, Biden is not there. We don’t know where he is. His double, computer graphic image, hologram, clone, or whatever, is filling in for him. Decisions are not being made by him, but someone else in his name.

So, we pray! So, we are diligent to prepare in all ways. So, we remain strong in faith, courage, boldness, wise, and always watchful.

I continue to study about what is being done to change humans into non-humans with the four untested vaccines that actually edit our genes and change our DNA. Not theory, but hard-cold fact!

To learn more, go to thehagmannreport.com and listen to the interview with Steve Quayle and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. You’ll get the basics of understanding what is really going on – and the extreme danger we are in as the “human race.”

Please make sure you’ve read and are understanding what I warned you about in “Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast” and the Update/Mikvah of Present Reality, recently, because you must know what it does to the body and the mind.

NOTE: Dr. Tenpenny and many others are letting us know that those who take one of the four vaccines and the second one too, by this Fall, they will begin to have symptoms of brain deterioration and neurological damage. It is a set-up device. More and more are coming with saying this is the set-up for the “mark of the Beast.” I will be writing more on this.

Yahuwah just gave me a revelation on this to do with the counterfeiting of what He does with the true new birth and the baptism into the Spirit … the set up for activation. Once activated by the infilling of the Spirit of Yahuwah, a truly born- again person is empowered and super charged with gifts and abilities to go on to victory. The “mark of the Beast” does the opposite. It empowers a person to go on to defeat, and thus submission to their eternal fate in an eternal hell.

Humanity is being destroyed, fertility destroyed, people changed into hybrids of biology with robotics – called “transhumanism.” The promise of Satan hasn’t changed. The promise of robotic bodies is the same as the promise “you shall be as gods…” “You will not die…” This is why people will seek death and cannot find it. (Revelation 9)

Ok, I’ll stop here.

Shabbat Shalom!!!

Love, Yedidah

April 10, 2021

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