The Gold Refining Center


Today is Simchat Torah – the 8th great day of Sukkot: John 7:1-2, and 37-39. Oh how wonderful it is in Israel to see the dancing with the Torah, especially in the streets of the old city of East Jerusalem. I have such good memories of Simchat Torah! This year, Abba has me in Georgia preparing for His next move. He is putting much on me, the weight is heavy, but He is also strengthening me to do what I need to do.

The name of this article is, “The Gold Refining Center.” It is #48.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation, or under “Recent Articles.” It is another in the series of prophetic words that Abba has instructed me to post.

THE PODCAST of this article is available under “Audio Teachings” on As always, the podcasts amplify the articles as the Spirit leads me to interject His thoughts.

I hope you’ve had a blessed time during the last three Festivals/Feasts/days of reflection and purification. They picture the last work of Messiah as He comes to set up His Kingdom.

I thank you for your prayers. As I mentioned above, I am in the midst of one of those huge things Jamie Buckingham talked about: 1) “You must eliminate in order to concentrate,” and 2) “Attempt something so big that unless the Lord intervenes, it’s bound to fail.” I have to smile big! All is riding on the leading of Abba Yahuwah! I am daily obedient, and He is giving me direction.

Regarding offerings to help me continue my work for Abba:
1) Make out all to Charlotte Townsend and send to: P.O. Box 113, Holly Springs, Georgia, 30142

2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on main page upper right hand corner.

     Regarding Spreaker sign up as a follower of Yedidah’s podcasts:

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In His love and shalom,


October 3, 2018



The Gold Refining Center
The Gold Refining Center
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