The Globalist Agenda for the New World Order – United Nations International Pact


This article is entitled “The Globalist Agenda for the New World Order – United Nations International Pact – Preparing the Nations for the Rise of Anti-messiah to World Power.” It is #115.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality or Recent Articles.

This article includes 20 pictures, excerpts from other articles, and notes from a video link – all up-to-date reporting on December 11, 2018.

The Elite Satanic controllers of the Globalist agenda, which has been in effect since 1999, are making their move to finish the building of the agenda on the foundation they laid for a new world order and the rise of an anti-messiah for world rule. The goal includes the return of the world to pre-Flood days, when the gods (fallen angels) and demigods (their Nephilim offspring) ruled the earth, known as the Golden Age. America was founded for the re-birth, or “reincarnation,” of the ancient founder of the original Babel – Nimrod, by other names known aka Osiris, Horus, first of the dying and rising gods, and Apollo aka Apollyon/Abaddon (Revelation 9:11).

In studying the prophetic Scriptures the last 56 years especially, learning the background of all that we’re seeing, I have of late focused on two major signs. I see the rapid acceleration of the Luciferic/Satanic agenda of the Elite Globalists to erase national borders, to flood the earth with usable criminals, to rid the earth of Christianity and Messianic faith, and to fill the earth with occult teaching in preparation for the earth’s mandatory worship of the gods of old.

I daily note the acceleration of the destruction of the earth, from our Ionosphere to our protection belts, shields of the earth, to the destruction of animals, plants, sea life, insects, and especially human beings. They are preparing to destroy all but a few million humans to use as slaves. Both of these major signs are increasing to the point where daily we hear of their advancement. These same Elite are paying for the creating of deadly diseases in laboratories, the building of a mutant army with super human abilities in underground tunnels, the collapse of the exiting economic system, the changing of human DNA, and the creation of non-humans to police earth.

The United Nations is the arm of these Globalist Elite, and now 164 nations of our world have signed a pact to accommodate “migrants” leading to a loss of national sovereignty. It is called a “non-binding pact,” but the nations will bow before its rules, and none will stop the UN control over it. The main opposition is the United States, mainly because of the adamant nationalism of Donald Trump. He’s a thorn in the flesh of the Globalists and we must pray for him because they are not going to let him stand in their way of completing their agenda.

On a joyful note: You who have prayed for me and stood with me in my major transition to “the gathering,”–my move to Texas as orchestrated by Yahuwah, will rejoice with me in my new-found freedom and independence.

Today I went to a large shopping area where I enjoyed shopping in 1996-1999 before I moved to Jordan. It feels so good to have my own car to be able to get out when I need to. This morning as I exited a favorite store, I heard the clomping of horse hoofs on the parking lot asphalt. I looked up and saw two policemen seated atop two gorgeous brown horses, patrolling the shopping area, as they do in Malls and major shopping area parking lots during the Christmas season.  I had not seen the police atop horses since I left Texas in 2006. Of course, they wore cowboy hats. Fort Worth is still known as “Cow Town” from the days of the old west, when Fort Worth was the center of the cattle industry for the nation. Today, Texas is booming once again as a producer of oil. Pipelines are being laid for the oil to pass through. This is the first time since the 1980s when Texas has been allowed to pump the incredible reservoir of oil under its surface. I felt such joy seeing the police on those gorgeous horses. I felt “at home.” It feels so good to have a little apartment of my own, and now my son safely back here too.

I thank you for standing with us! Many of Yahuwah’s servants are being moved around now, like chess pieces, to be positioned for His purposes as the days get darker and the globalist agenda gets stronger. This world is being united as one, borders will be dropped. The U.N. pact that was signed the last two days by most of earth’s nations is a clear sign that the earth is uniting under an agenda that we, as believers, cannot accept!

“Here on earth we have no continuing place, but we seek one to come.”

Be grateful for the small things, enjoy what is still delightful to the spirit, and yet prepare for what we know is coming sooner than what we think.

In His love,


December 12, 2018

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The Globalist Agenda  for the New World Order - The United Nations International Pact - Preparing the Nations for the Rise of Anti-messiah to World Power
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