This article is entitled “The Fourth Turning.” It is #55.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation. This is definitely present reality, but it requires our preparation to face the present reality!
America is in its final Fourth Turning/fourth cycle. The world is following suit. In this article, I condense information from classic book The Fourth Turning by William Straus and Neil Howe, c. 1997 and Zenith 2016 by Tom Horn. I include Tom Horn’s references to Straus’ and Howe’s book in Zenith 2016, as well as an article off the CIA’s Deagle Report showing their plans for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, plus another article that further explains our “turning.” I end with my summary.
We’re in a global take down. The foundation was laid for a world government, which is actually intended to be a return to the pre-Flood “Golden Age” of the gods and demigods that once ruled the earth, as far back as the 1500s/1600, but the building on that foundation began in 1776. The plan is about completed!
If you’re very busy and can’t read these 15 pages, please read through page 8, and read my conclusion – please! But, all of it should be confirmation of what you are seeing and hearing, and what you know in your spirit! We need confirmation! This information presents solid confirmation, not speculation, or opinions.
From the conclusion of the article: “Today in America is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I find it significant that Yahuwah has impressed me to write this article, and send to it out on this particular day. The tragedy of Pearl Harbor has been proven to be a “false flag,” a planned manipulation by the U.S. government to get the U.S. into WW II. It’s all part of the Mazzini/Pike Plan of 1871. Anyway — out of World War II, as planned, the U.S. became the super power of the earth. At this time, in “the Fourth Turning,” that exalted status is declining rapidly, as noticed by researchers and watchmen world over. America is in its death-throes. But, as planned, out of its ashes, like the Phoenix, will rise the anti-messiah! It has been planned for centuries, and now is the time for the fallen ones–angel, human, and hybrids–to make their move.
We are entering the final stages of the Fourth Turning! Is your relationship with Yahuwah so solid that you have no fear, except loving fear of Yahuwah! I hope so!”
Lay aside fantasy. Embrace reality! Look beyond what lures the mind and the flesh. Eternity is before us!
Regarding the last article of news, pictures, and Scriptural analysis, I show how the violence in Paris is spreading to other E.U. nations. English could be included too. There are things planned inside Israel by the Sanhedrin, but I will be exposing how incredibly occult this is – hidden – and how it will bring the antichrist to power.
Here is excellent advice from Sha’ul in I Corinthians 7:29-32a: “This I say brethren, the time is short, so that from now on, those who have wives should be as though they had none, and those who weep as though they did not weep, and those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice, and those who buy as though they did not possess, and those who use this world as not misusing it. For the scene of this world is passing way, and I wish you to be without concern…”
In other words, don’t let anyone or anything break your focus from what is important. That’s the bottom line! Sha’ul wrote, verse 23, “you were bought with a price, do not become the slaves of men.”
Do not get into debt either! In the capitalistic world, getting a top-notch job, advancing in the company, buying a nice house in a nice neighborhood, having a good savings account, a good retirement program, and enjoying life to the fullest, is all priority. But, our ability to have these carnal priorities are vanishing quickly. Yet, oblivious to reality, people go on as if they had 500 years before Messiah comes back to “wreck their fun.” That’s the basis of the Dominion Theology in The Trump Prophecies – America will be great again, money will flow like water, no wars, only good times ahead, and Messiah could wait another 500 years.
We know from Scripture, and the Spirit, that the game’s over, so why strive for a touchdown to glorify the ego when it won’t count? Those who face reality in the strength of Yahuwah know we’re in no game! We’re in the final stretches of this life, in this world as we know it, before it is destroyed totally, and a new one appears with a new reality, a new King-Ruler, and all the rules change for all creation. The only sanity left in a world gone mad is with those who have submitted their lives to the control of the Spirit of Yahuwah, who dwell in His Presence, moment-by-moment carrying out His will, full of peace, joy, and expectation of deliverance. The true winners are those who are belong to Yahuwah, nailed to the stake with Yahushua, so that the Spirit of Yahuwah can live through us. We are the victors and we’re already won!
In II Timothy 3:1, we read (Greek rendering), “In the last days raging insanity shall come…” Welcome to the time of raging insanity.
Those who are filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah, who walk in His nature, in His ways, with His thinking, are very, very, set-apart. But, also note that persecution has begun for us too. We are to be “more set apart” as we see “the Day” approaching. Thus to have the ambitions of fallen man is a death-sentence to soul and spirit.
Religion is a man-made drug that numbs reality and makes people think all is well, when they’re dying of spiritual rot. Don’t fall into that trap! Those that know Yahuwah have a burning desire for Truth, a burning desire to know Him and to walk with His Son as Master. Our rewards are waiting.
I hope you are celebrating Hanukkah week with joy! I wrote an article on Hanukkah under the Mikvah of the Covenant that explains the reason for our celebrating. It exposes the additions made by Jewish tradition which take away from the Truth of what really happened. Read it!
In His love, shalom,
December 7, 2018