The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body


This may be the most important article I’ve ever written about the time we’re in. It is written to a remnant that is not playing religious games. It is written to those who want a position in what Abba is doing now and will do before Messiah’s return. It is written to those who are not afraid to put their shoulder to the plow and prepare for their part in what He is doing. This is not written for the curious, the skimmers, the lackadaisical, the mockers, the skeptics, the intellectuals, the religious, the arguers, the analyzers. or the Laodiceans. It is not written for the lazy, the apathetic, the worldly, those who love their sin, those out to appease the flesh/the carnal, or those playing religious games to get attention. This is not mysticism or sci-fi. This is 100% Scriptural reality backed by “thus saith Yahuwah.”

Oh yes, the name of it is: “The Final Uniting of the Spirit and the Soul Before the Resurrection, or Translation, of the Body.” It is #58.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness or under Recent Articles. I ask that you read The Eliyahu Company Parts I and II, and/or listen to the podcasts CVII and CVIII on these articles. I will be podcasting this one tomorrow.

So dear ones, please get out your Bible and prepare to study as you read. Do your own research. Let Abba you as you sit alone with Him and wait on Him. Empty your mind of troubles, things to do, what someone said to you that was hurtful, your emotional upsets, the bills you have to pay, and the dictates of your lazy flesh.

If your heart is passionate about getting the highest and the best, be sure you’ve read “The Eliyahu Company” – Parts I and Part II – before tackling this very weighty revelation. From pages 7-10 of The Eliyahu Company Part II, I include very weighty quotes by Brother Sadhu Singh Selvaraj.

Brother Selvaraj is a born again, spirit-filled believer, born and raised in India. Shortly after his new birth at age 16, he was led by Abba to guard the Torah. He is a student of the Word, who will confirm things to you that Yahuwah’s Spirit has taught you. The secret to his relationship with Abba, and his experiences like those among believers of old, is found in one thing: He was never satisfied with the status quo of religion. He kept seeking more and more. He waited on Abba, fasted, prayed, and listened in his spirit. He spent much of his life as a missionary in Tibet, leading people in Tibet and Napal to salvation through our Messiah. He spent much of his life in the Word, being taught by the Spirit. He’s not a “normal” western-world Christian-Messianic. But, we must never be a run-of-the-mill normal western world Christian or Messianic either. He is normal for those living the book of Acts lifestyle. Here’s the link to his precious testimony:

Sundar Singh Selvaraj Testimony – September 27, 2017 – on John Cyril You Tube: “Testimony of Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj (Must Watch!)” 45.43 minutes

     We must restrict man’s input to 1) confirming what the Spirit, our Teacher within, has already taught us, and 2) giving us a springboard for our own study. I hope this article does that for you.

It is through our alignment with the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah that we become transformed. When you use your will to submit yourself to the working of the Spirit within you, get ready for “discipline.” I do not write to those who fear discipline by the Spirit.

The finest hour for the children of Yahuwah in the history of mankind is about to break forth for those who are prepared, those totally under the Master’s control.

Don’t miss your finest hour, which will lead you to your highest eternal position and rewards. This world under Satan and his fallen angels is in the last stages of a temporary condition. Eternity is forever. The new earth is for those in eternity with the Creators. So choose well. Those lazy or fearful who do not choose well, will align to the antichrist to save their skin, and lose eternal life.

This article will be podcasted tomorrow April 8th. Please share only with those who desire more from Yahuwah.

Let us for forward in the power of His might!

Shalom, blessings, love,


April 7, 2019

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The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body
The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body
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