
“The Favor of Yahuwah” is #150.0 under the Heart of Elohim, or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

Yahuwah wants us to be wrapped around and shielded with favor: Psalm 6:12 and Psalm 57:1-3. His gift of favor comes at a high price, but it well worth it. As the days grow darker and darker, we need the light of His countenance, His favor on us more than ever before – even with our enemies.

I insert some humor from the last few days. Sometimes, His favor comes in multiple doses and is laughable. In Psalm 118, it says that Abba helps us through His helpers. How awesome! Yahuwah is a personal Father who wants to bless us greatly, but we have to position ourselves for His blessing.

In this article, I share my own life’s experiences with some of the reactions that His brings to us among those who are supposedly on our side in same beliefs and desires to go into the Kingdom upon death. But it seems that our enemies are often inside our household – not just natural family, but spiritual family. “And a man’s enemies are those of his own household.”

The favor of Yahuwah on us also brings the hate of those who are jealous – the Pharisee spirit that sent Messiah to the stake. They delivered Him up because of envy and jealousy. They also feared His relationship with the God they did not know – His Father. Most religious people do not know Him at all – while professing to believe in Him. They are out for their own power and rule over others.

There are two spiritual forces working on earth today – the multitudes going the way of the Beast system, and the few walking the narrow path who will enter the Kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 7:12-13)

I suppose most of you have heard of the passing into heaven of Russ Dizdar – a mighty warrior of faith and wisdom who has rescued many from the very clutches of Satan, going into the arenas of Satan himself to “rescue the perishing.” His wife, Shelly, is also sick.

Continue to pray for Steve Quayle. He had Covid and then got pneumonia. But he is now out of the hospital and his wife is caring for him. Oh how the evil ones would love to remove him also. As far as Russ is concerned, I believe Isaiah 57:1-2 is what took him home. Abba is merciful. Pray for Shelly, because she is also sick.

In His love, Yedidah

October 18, 2021


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