Greetings: Very Important Letter and Article – Please Read Both and Act!

“The Equality Act 2021” is under the Mikvah of Present Reality #224.0.

This article contains very important information that you, your family, your friends, your loved ones, your cared-for ones, in general, need to know. It has passed the House of Representatives and is now at the Senate for vote. We used to relax when it came to Senate votes, but remember now that the House, the Senate, and the Executive Branch of the government is under Democrat control at the high levels.

I am not into politics! I don’t call one party evil and the other party good. Except for a few who are really standing against extreme opposition because they are righteous and want justice, most all are sold out to China for money, to the ACLU for money and power, or some other group like Luciferians. Many in the Senate and House hold duel-citizenship, some are of strong Islamic belief.

Thus, with one party controlling all three ruling bodies of the once-United states, and that under tyranny of communism/fascism, we don’t know how the Senate will vote. We can only pray and also write our senators and House representatives, as well as file our petition with the White House, by e-mail, or letter, or phone calls.

Bottom line, we need to hear from Yahuwah individually and hear what He tells us to do. We must go by what He puts in our spirit, not go off goofy based on info. from the brain or emotions of the carnal-related soul.

We must not take sides in this world except with Yahuwah and Yahushua!!! Just do what He leads you to do! However, within this Act are things American citizens must know.

On Shabbat, in asking if the T.A.P.S. Act is included with The Equality Bill -T.A.P.S. includes neighbors spying on neighbors, turning them in to the police on “suspicion” of doing something wrong, by the evil one’s definition of wrong, is already in motion, Pastor said: “It’s already a part of law.” It might also be under the Executive Orders signed by Obama or Biden to do with the “Continuance of Government.”

I just know that when I was in Far East Russia, I was called to the door of the apartment I was staying in with a believer and asked why I was there by the police. I told them, and they kind of shook their heads as in “why am I wasting my time?” They nodded and left. No problem! I was working through the Militia with legal right in the country. But it did leave me a bit nervous. I’ve studied very much about Germany under Hitler. I had also watched a right-info-historic Disney movie called “Night Crossing.” You really should see this one – DVD used and cheap on Amazon. It tells the story of a family’s escape, supposedly a true story, from East Berlin after WWII. It has an amazing conclusion – good for teens to see also. There is amazing information hidden in the movie for us to know about for right now!

Our freedoms are being washed away very quickly. Anyone opposing this “coup” by globalists, gets severely punished, especially states who talk about seceding or making their state a gun owner sanctuary state. Texas got the elite’s message Feb. 15, 2021 on. Hard attack, hard message! Read: “Speaking As A Texan…” Feb. 19th

Please share this information. Pray, correct spiritual warfare needed, act as led by the Spirit. Make sure you are proficient in correct spiritual warfare in the “garments of the High Priest.”

Under the “Mikvah of Preparation”

Scriptural Spiritual Warfare – Part I: Foundational Principles (June 2010)

Scriptural Spiritual Warfare – Part II: Strategies and Cautions/July 2010)

Scriptural Spiritual Warfare – Part III: Putting It Into Practice/July 2010)

Scriptural Methods for Correct and Safe Spiritual Warfare Part I – Training for Reigning with Boldness and Authority-Backing/January 20, 2017

We understand that Yahuwah is allowing the enemy now to move quickly towards his final goals. Let’s say, Yahuwah is letting out their leash somewhat.

The return of the Nephal – fallen ones – for their final 120 years allotted to them, under the restraint of the Spirit, the “striving” of the Spirit of Yahuwah, began in 1896. I’ve even recently had huge confirmation of this, though had solid confirmation of it from the time I first wrote about it around 2015-2016.

The 120 years were up in 2016. Yahuwah’s Spirit stopped “striving.” They were given their time to bringing about their goals, yet to this day, there is a restraining force in the true believers in Messiah Yahushua. An army of His resisters is rising to a place where they can be trusted to do His final will before He sends Yahushua a second time.

Prepare to be a solid flint rock of faith, covered in the armor of His power (Ephesians 6:10-18) not a weed blowing in the wind, withering in the darkness, drying up in the sunshine. The great falling away is soon to reach its pinnacle with the “disclosure” of alien life on the horizon.

Blessings, love, Yedidah

March 1, 2021



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