The Eliyahu Company Part II


“The Eliyahu Company Part II” is ready for you to read #57.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness or Recent Articles.

This article is one you’ll want to read slowly and prayerfully. It contains powerful prophetic words from Abba, plus information that you must know if you want to be a part of the great work of our Abba before Messiah comes.

The great division is happening, not just between the lost and the saved, but between the religious and the truly born again, between Christians and Christians and between Messianics and Messianics. This article will show you why the great divide is happening.

A remnant is rising that is radically different than any other people ever seen on this earth! No united group like this existed in the past, a group containing those in the present and those from the past. What is said here may sound strange to you if you are an intellectual, if you go by your soul reasoning, your mind’s thinking, or if you by your emotions, or you are a doubter, or a mocker of truth that you do not understand. But, nothing here is outside the whole of the Word or the nature of Yahuwah and Yahushua – nothing! It is simply “normal” for those who know Elohim personally.

The things that are coming upon the earth from the dark kingdom are so powerful that the remnant-army of Yahuwah, those preparing earth’s people for the coming of Messiah, have to be more powerful! Power and authority come as we enter into submission to the Spirit of Yahuwah, and He rises within us.

There are choice gem statements made here – bottom line after bottom line.

So, as you read, do not skim, for Yahuwah is speaking. He is “birthing the rain” thorough those He is anointing. Going along as the carnal world flows in its river, one will descend into a deep pit. A person can never know the things that Elohim has prepared for us if they flow with the world. What I write here may not be a heaven or hell thing, though it can be, but what I write here presents what will gain you the highest position with the Kingdom, or earn you a lower position. It’s just Luke 12 in different words.

Pages 7-10 contain deeply profound prophetic words, and are directly addressed to all of us, building on pages 1-7. I include many quotes from a book by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. I also give a prophecy and word from Yahuwah that He has given to me in the last few days.

When we finally know who we are because of Messiah and our Abba, then we look at life totally different. He has an assignment for each one of us.

The seriousness of this fast-moving river of life is getting more serious, so that decisions must be made not only for now, but affecting “forever.” There are some serious changes that Yahuwah is having me make, and some He has made for me. Give yourself 100% to Him, and He will interact with you more and more! He wants to talk to you personally. I show how in this article.

These two articles on The Eliyahu Company will be podcasted tomorrow by the same titles.

In His love,


April 2, 2019

The Eliyahu Company Part II
The Eliyahu Company Part II
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