The Eliyahu Company Part I


This article is entitled: “The Eliyahu Company.” It is #56.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.

I have been studying for many years on the Eliyahu Company – the Eliyahu/Elijah remnant — those who will go forth in these last days under his anointing, and also with the anointing of Moshe/Moses.

This remnant people will be in the likeness of the first century Natsarim, the guardians, protectors, and watchmen, who had both faith in Messiah Yahushua as their Savior and Master and who guarded the Torah/instructions of Yahuwah for right standing in His Kingdom – the Kingdom that was opened to us by faith in Messiah’s death and resurrection.

In 2008, I first wrote about this Eliyahu Company. Today I revised this article with some up-to-date material. In Part II, I will give more updated material about this company. Basically, as the two witnesses go forth in these last days in Israel, in Jerusalem particularly, a company that has their nature will also be empowered to go forth into all the world with two basic messages 1) salvation by the blood of the Lamb, Yahushua Messiah and 2) judgment on those that reject Him and reject the instructions of His Father.

This will be the last chance for the world to receive salvation before the judgment falls. The forming, setting aside, instructing, and empowering, of this remnant has been going on for years, beginning especially from 2007, but more concentrated since 2015.      In late 2007, under a powerful anointing of the Spirit while I was in Tiberias, Israel, I wrote a detailed description of this company, the witnesses, and the Bridal remnant as a whole. It is entitled: “The Two Witnesses, the Bride of Messiah, The Forerunning Companies, and the Fleeing Remnant.”

I was led by Abba to read Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj’s book Elijah is Coming. In it,  he confirmed to me everything I’ve taught since 2007 on this company – right down to the last detail. In reading it, Abba showed me my preparation for it from age 4. Recently, others like Steven ben Nun have been talking about this Daniel 11:32 remnant. Dr. Michael Lake has dedicated himself and his ministry to training this end-time remnant. In our Prayer Center, the emphasis is on aligning to Abba, being in His Presence, learning from Him, so as to be a part of this end-time gathering of the remnant.

It is now time, folks, for those who want to find out what it is like to 100%submit to the Spirit of Yahuwah and the results of it! It brings the most liberating feeling in the world! Oh to be free of the mind’s carnal desires, and to only do what the Master tells us one moment at a time – there is no freedom like it.

“Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!”

So this article is the first of a continuing series on the Natsarim, emphasizing the remnant that will live in two dimensions at the same time – who will walk in the anointing and power of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Look at Revelation 14:1-5. Do you notice the two dimensions? But, all of His children are called up into His Presence. As we sit with Him and let Him instruct us, we are on earth, but also in His Presence in His throne room. What is now spiritual will become the reality that Adam and Eve knew in the Garden. They could not die. It was not until they sinned that they were cast out of the extra dimensional reality into time, where their bodies got old and died. He is taking a remnant back into the Garden once again!

In His love,

Yedidah, April 1, 2019

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The Eliyahu Company Part I
The Eliyahu Company Part I
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