This is the promised second part of exposing truth about what is going on with all the wars, and the U.S. involvement in them, now Venezuela. I answer the “why” that so many of us are screaming now.
This article is entitled: “The Drug Trafficking That Funds America’s War For A New World Order.” It is #122.0 under Present Reality or Recent Articles.
In this article I repeat some of the things I’ve been reporting on to do with American’s reason for starting wars, sticking our nose in other nation’s wars, funding wars, and basically spreading our troops into about 100 countries. When you finish reading this you may be shell-shocked, but it’s the truth. If you are too busy to read it all, at least read from page 7… the notes that I took from Steven ben Nun’s video on the U.S. trafficking in drugs to pay for the wars we start.
You may be very surprised at the extent of this “trafficking” and using wars to actually cover for the trafficking as well as pay for our intervention, our funding of jihadists, terrorists, anarchists, and other forms of destabilizing governments.
Venezuela is another barracuda pool, where nations are thrown to the teeth of the Globalist agenda. But, Venezuela, like Syria, is also drawing Russia against the U.S., at our doorstep.
This information goes back many years in my research and study. I like to know “why” things are happening, so that I can see the Scriptural prophetic alignment.
Yesterday’s article on Venezuela, and today’s article, both cover what the public news will never tell you!
It is a pitiful shame that depending on who one is loyal to, that there are divisions regarding Passover once again this year. I come back to “ask Abba!”
Are His people so far from Him that they cannot get an answer from Him? Surely He has an opinion as to when Passover is this year! Is His opinion worth anything? At least in a zoo, species dangerous to each other are kept in separate cages. There is such a thing as dividing to unify, for our protection.
John 17 and Psalm 133! May it be so!
Is the Spirit of Yahuwah not teaching anymore? Maybe He’s retired. Has He left it up to tens of thousands of men to give their opinions? I jest of course! I sound like Eliyahu on Mount Carmel mocking the priests of Ba’al. But, that is what it looks like by the way His people act. We should be able to say “thus saith Yahuwah” to everything we believe! Isn’t that right? Since His Spirit teaches everyone the same thing, isn’t it sane to seek Him as our Teacher? Stay in His peace!
March 14, 2019