Shalom, blessings:

“The Downfall and Takeover of America” is #215.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality of under “Recent Articles” on the Main Page.

This article will fill you in on WHY all of Trump’s proof of voter fraud is being thrown out of courts up to the Supreme Court. Find out what he is up against, and learn much surrounding news to go with it.

Today at the Prayer Center we had a time of worship so powerful that the cloud of Abba’s Presence filled the room. People were on their knees in worship, and/or with tears rolling down their cheeks. In worship, as His Presence is felt, we have the “peace that passes all understanding,” and He speaks to us all regarding the same things. This is His unity. (John 17) It is not around anyone but Him and what He has to say – what He has to impart to us as His family, and/or to us personally.

What a different realm this is from the earthly realm of deceit, lies, hidden agendas, fake niceness to trap and fear to control, etc. etc. Our Father tells us to be more set-apart now than ever before. Those truly born again will be drawn into unity with those who are of like mind, being Spirit-taught and Spirit-led. Those following man will be disgusted with the unity of the Spirit and – it being repugnant to them, they will naturally withdraw. They can do no infiltration among the “few,” those close to the heart of Father and Son.

America is tearing apart in all ways, even the earth is splitting. It is no longer the nation it was before January 1, 2020. We will see more deterioration as we get into 2021. But, for us, we must be like the salmon who fights to swim up stream for “reproducing” like kind.

May the Names of Yahuwah and Yahushua be praised!


December 26, 2020


The Downfall And Takeover Of America
The Downfall And Takeover Of America
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