Blessings, shalom!
“The Distortion of Time and Dimensions and Dangerous Human Reactions” is #230.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.”
In this concentrated article, I give you information from “Mike from around the world,” a high-ranking officer over many others in a US government agency of the USGS, NOAA, or the like. He is interview almost weekly by Paul Begley. He gives inside information on what is happening geologically with earth itself, as well as other information. But his specialty is earth and the cosmos. In this article, he gives some information that answers questions as to why the minds of people are becoming so crazy, so non-human, so distorted to reality, and their emotions so out of control. We’re not talking about all the bad people of earth, but each human being in general. Only one tiny group out of nearly 8 billion people, the “few” of Matthew 7:13-14, will come out with a pure and blameless mind, with calm peaceful, loving, kind, and compassionate nature – those who are continually filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah and submit to His control over their lives 100%. These people will be free when the soon-coming “alien invasion” is used to unite the earth under its one leader, the one leader who is also worshipped as a god – i.e. Beast.
I share with you as Abba leads. You must know what is happening to you physically, mentally, emotionally, so that you can fight against it by the “weapons of our warfare that are not carnal, but are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds of the enemy.” (Ephesians 6:10-18) Stay strong in faith!
Blessings, peace, joy, and increase of faith, Yedidah
May 5, 2021
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