The Depths of Depravity – Are Human Beings Really Capable of Sinking to This Level of Evil?


This article is a powerful blockbuster – “The Depths of Depravity – Are Human Beings Really Capable of Sinking to This Level of Evil?” It is #119.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

I call it a blockbuster because it contains loaded information, addressing current news, but also settling forever anyone’s illusions about the goodness of mankind. Messiah said “no one is good, except Elohim.”

I know that almost all believers, Christian or Messianic, in the world of affluence, have no concept of the hideousness of sin, or how Yahuwah views our rebellion against Him. People pray a prayer, are baptized in a church, take on a belief system of their choice, and think they’re OK with some illusive theology they call “God.” Most churches nowadays do not teach that repentance is necessary for salvation. The enormous “seeker friendly” churches do not use the word “sin,” because it may offend to the unsaved. They attract membership of up to 25,000 or even more, with satellite churches in every town in a region. Yet, their message offends no one – because they hide truth that might offend of upset someone.

People who go there usually don’t want to hear truth, do not want to face reality, do not want to know what is going on outside of their comfort zone, and many very rich pastors are accommodating them under the guise of winning them to Jesus. Their “Jesus” is not the Scriptural Yahushua! Yet, many are dying in horrible ways, killed, slaughtered, in many countries of our world because of their faith in “Jesus.” Their “Jesus” is the Scriptural Yahushua, they just don’t know His real Name yet.

In this article I include some very strategic articles written by others, including one written by our brother L.A. Marzulli. It is powerful!

The fallacious culture of Greco-Roman affluent countries hand out lollypops everywhere they go, laced with the poison of lies, to soothe the minds and emotions of security-loving, comfort-seeking, fearful fools. Fear is a good thing only if it causes someone to seek the Creators–Their Word and Their salvation. Then they’ll come to grips with reality, and find peace.  We are on a fast-track now. The preparation for the arrival of anti-messiah is all around us.

Be sure you’ve read carefully and prayerfully “Frightening Reality…” posted a few days ago under Recent Articles. I strongly believe that this is the “great deception” that Messiah warned us of, not aliens or UFOs.

So few have any concept of the depths of depravity that is coming on the earth–evil that will result in the extermination of almost all people on this planet unless Messiah comes. With all your calling for Messiah to come, are you preparing for great and horrible suffering like the world has never known? Messiah said “see, I have warned you.”

Please do not skim; do not lightly read. Look up the Scriptures and read in context. Please read carefully because I do not write except by the Spirit. Be Spirit-taught! Most all have gone back to sleep at a time when we must be awake spiritually, mentally, and emotionally more now than ever. Evaluate carefully what you consider to be priority. It will tell you where you are with Elohim!

This article is something to share with others. I hope you are ministering to others as a life-pattern. I hope to podcast this too.

In His love, Yedidah – February 15, 2019

The Depths of Depravity - Are Human Beings Really Capable of Sinking to This Level of Evil?
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