“The Depth of Evil is Fast Coming Into Play Now” is #321.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
This has more information on the escalation of prophetic events leading to the finalities of all things except the Kingdom of Yahuwah and Yahushua which are forever in eternity. We read in II Peter 3 that we will have a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. We look forward to the City of Yahuwah coming from His dimension to hover over a renewed earth in Revelation 21. We see in Revelation 4 and 5 the great worship that goes on in heaven now. We can join them in the Spirit within our re-born spirit, and enter into the Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua now.
The realm of our heavenly Father’s Kingdom, the Kingdom also of “His dear Son,” is not far up into the sky but right with us in a dimension that touches our eternal spirit upon a true new birth, and we become a totally new creation – “old things are passed away, behold all things become new.” We only throw away that newness if we continue on with life as usual in this world that has little time left to exist.
The lies are getting more and more deep and cruel, and those who know truth are more and more in danger. I’m sure you are aware of that! As things come down from the fallen ones quickly, we are told by Messiah to “look up, for your redemption draws near.” Yahuwah is our hiding place – our refuge – our shelter – our strength and our stability. What a privilege He gives us!
I thank you for your prayers! I am facing another surgery on my knee that now has a torn tendon, besides the hernia surgery which has had to be put off. However, I am going into town almost daily to walk around big stores for about an hour, to strengthen the knee. I am still in moving-in process into the little cottage I now call “home,” but it is paid for – thanks to those of you who have been giving financial help to me.
More is still being done to get the house area in shape. Also, we’ve been set back because the original electrician did such a horrible job, we’ve had to have the wiring trench re-dug, and now another electrician is coming to fix the terrible wiring in the houses, so our houses don’t burn down and us with them. My son is doing so much of the final work, after working 8 hours at his job, and saving his wife’s mother and I loads of money on our houses on their land. Pray for my son’s strength. The Texas weather has stayed over 100 for a long time, and much of the work is outside.
I just know we have a short time before the pit opens and all hell literally breaks loose world-over. We’re in the “calm before the storm,” but the calm is shaking badly already.
I remain in peace simply because I know my Abba is in control, and I am in His will. He has a perfect will for everyone – which we must walk in, in order to hear Messiah’s “well done good and faithful servant,” on the day of His judgment.
Blessings, shalom, in His love, Yedidah – July 18, 2023
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I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!