This article, the third in the current prophetic series, is entitled: “The Bridge Into the Third Day,” #44.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation.
With the escalation of the enemy’s plans going forth and Bible prophecy being fulfilled daily, you must get before Abba alone and ask Him in regards to what the watchmen have been saying–warning, exhorting, and encouraging. Ask Him what He wants you to do. He will impress your spirit!
His watchmen are feeling His urgency. If His unction/anointing is not acknowledged and acted on, He quietly departs. He won’t continue to speak to those who do not act on His “rhema,” – His spoken word to us. Without acting on the true new birth in obedience, continually being filled with His Spirit, taught by His Spirit, directed by His Spirit, convicted, and given encouragement by His Spirit within our spirit-temple, He will quietly depart and leave a us to our own control. That should scare a true believer out of their wits! He is not going to coddle the lackadaisical/apathetic, especially not now.
Each of these prophetic words I am sharing with you are His words to His people that demand a decision. Every day with every word, every action, every attitude, we make decisions that will affect the rest of our lives. This article also presents a decision to be made – a choice. Start acting on it!
Torah guarding is useless unless a person builds on the foundation of their true new birth by the daily empowering of the Spirit, and corresponding obedience to the Master. Otherwise, all of our religious performances are of no more use than it was to the Pharisees of old, or the present-day Pharisees who believe their religious performances somehow please a God they really cannot know. Like all religions, the religion of Rabbinic Judaism separates a person from knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua. We are disciple of whoever is our teacher. “Disciple” means “a taught one.”
I still continue to keep up with fast-moving events that are aligning to fulfilling end-time prophecy. But, if His people are not preparing for the “sudden” happenings, what good is my reporting? What good is the reporting and warning of all the watchmen combined? It is a waste of time.
He is coming back for a people totally aligned to His will, blameless in His sight – not by man’s standards, but by His.
I am in a trapped situation now that is worsening. I am crying out to Abba for help. Some of you have written to me that you are in similar situations. Recently, thanks to my prayer fellowship leader in Fort Worth, I got hold of Psalm 18, then its encasement within events in II Samuel 22.
In reading II Samuel chapters 15-21, we learn why “David was weary.” He could not fight any longer. He cried out to Abba, and his pain made Abba angry. Then Abba came down to his rescue. It even uses quantum physics terms. Read it. It sounds very much like the second coming of Messiah.
Abba feels our pain, our entrapment, and our weariness. When we can’t fight anymore, and there is no help from man, He will rescue His servants!
Read this article and make your choices. Read the “Restrainers” and learn who you are in this world. (Both under “Recent Articles”)
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Blessings, Shalom,
September 9, 2018