“The Blessing” Brings Down the Spirit Cloud

“`The Blessing’ Brings Down the Spirit Cloud” is #39.0 under the Mikvah of the Spirit.

The takeover of our world by fallen angels, their hybrid offspring Nephilim, returning Nephilim giants, and alien beings, is bringing darkness upon all people, heaviness, depression, oppression, hopelessness, fear, and despair. It is getting heavier by the day as events are unfolding in groups.

Yet, yesterday at the Prayer Center I attend, during our worship, the Presence of Yahuwah came down so heavily that it was thick in the air tangibly. So, I thought I’d share some of it with you who can receive it. Worship songs led up to the last song which brought heaven to earth.

I give you the link to the song, and on page 4, I give you the lyrics. At approximately 7 minutes into the song, it turns personal to you: He is for you! Our Father is for you!

The singing comes from individuals in many countries all over the world, including Iran. Voices of our brothers and sisters joining together to sing the words of the Aaronic Blessing in Numbers 6 as well as the promise in Deuteronomy of His blessing to a thousand generations.

The Spirit of Yahuwah is very emotional. He becomes very emotional within us, especially when we’re listening to praise and worship music. He joins in. He manifests! As Messiah spoke in John 7:37-39, He bursts forth as a river of living water from within our spirit, which takes over the emotions of those flowing in unity with Him.

So, as we quietly listen alone by ourselves, when the music begins to intensify, so does His bursting forth. He lets us know He’s for us! People who are not used to emotion in regards to His tangible Presence don’t know Him as He is. When His Presence reaches a peak, we often go into the oooooo wailing. That’s “Travailing Prayer.” I’ve written quite a bit about “travailing prayer,” with “utterance that is without words.” (Romans 8) As we allow Him to flow through us in this manner, His will is birthed within us, and we enter into the transforming process even faster.

In heaven, we see that praise will go on continually forever, praise of Yahuwah, and praise for the lamb that was slain, i.e. Revelation 4 and 5, for example.

If you are uncomfortable with emotional personal contact with Yahuwah and Yahushua on earth, would you be comfortable with it in heaven? This is our training ground. It is here that we build our relationship with Them.

Listen and enter into worship with many from around the world, and realize that it is the unity of our family that draws down the Presence of Yahuwah. He will not enter into division that is based on lack of love for one another. In our uniting around His praises, we prepare ourself for eternity.

He has to see His nature manifested in the lives of His children. He cannot work in religious division that separates His true children from each other. There will be no filing cabinets in heaven that slot individuals according to various belief systems.

John 17 is the goal.

The article is short. Take time to enter His Presence and allow the Spirit to be Himself.

In His love, Yedidah

December 27, 2020

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