THE AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 – The Release of Yahuwah’s Final Plans For America and the World


“The American Presidential Election 2020 – Yahuwah’s Final Plans For America and the World” is #121.0 under the Heart of Elohim.

The line has been drawn in the sand. Yahuwah must go forward with His final plans, for our sake, so that His Son can return and begin His Kingdom on earth.

Revelation 11:15 is His goal! Is it yours?

This is a very straight-forward and sobering article but absolutely true – there is no more time for extending mercy on a world that blasphemes His Son and mocks Him in their rebellion. I am getting so much confirmation coming from many sources of what He has shown me for decades. I’m sure it is the same for some of you.

The sealing of the final remnant is near, as in Ezekiel 9:4 and Revelation 7. We’re at that point – the time between the sealing and the execution of final judgment, as it was in Ezekiel 9.

The cry to prepare has gone out. Now, as in today’s prophecy given to Byron Searle, the finality is upon us. I include the prophecy in this article.

Abba has been so, so patient – but He cannot hold back. The time of His remnant has come for their assignments, as said in this prophecy. I’ve known this in my spirit. Have you? I know some of you feel it.

I’ve had a sickness in my spirit since November 4th – knowing that He has done all He can do to reach His children and turn them around to be who they were born again to be – but His children have joined the flow of the Beast system and are denying His Word, and even His Son. Earth’s people, and particularly His lukewarm children, are forcing Him to take action. His mercy has been trampled on. What have His children done in the last four years that has spread salvation to the nations?  Yes, some have witnessed to others, prayed for others, encouraged others, but to what extent has His body of believers changed America or the world?

An insanity has settled on western Christians and messianic believers as the increase in demonic spirits, fallen angels, and hybrids increases and now rule earth via governments and militaries. There is a massive falling away (apostasy) taking place.

His true children are at peace, because they know who they are. They know Yahuwah and Yahushua personally, and so are prepared and ready to obey. They are also sheltering in Their Presence. So, the time ahead for His remnant who are ready will be one of victory, of overcoming. However, for the fearful and cowardly, well – we have Revelation 21:8.

We are children of a coming Kingdom. Let us press on to victory with wisdom, under the direction of our Master.

In His love, Yedidah

November 7, 2020

The AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 - The Release of Yahuwah's Final Plans For America and the World
The AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 - The Release of Yahuwah's Final Plans For America and the World
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