Greetings, shalom!

“The Advantage of Having the Snoopy Syndrome” is #196.0 under the Mikvah of The Heart of Elohim.

You might wonder why I’ve taken a break from reporting true-news that is ever-increasingly frightening. However, this article is to give you wisdom on how to go through it all victoriously, with peace and even joy. It is about knowing who you are and being free to be who you are, as you find security in obeying a Master.

Messiah said in Matthew 18:1-4, “Unless you turn and become like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.” He is not talking about childishness, but about a confidence-relationship between His Father and His children. I had fun with this. But it carries a message that is very deep, a message that must be lived out.

The first three pages have pictures from Snoopy cartoons. Charles Schultz was a Christian who shared some Christian messages through the cartoon, especially through Linus. Whether Schultz knew it or not, he conveyed a principle in the relationship of Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy. I loved this cartoon. As I picked out pictures representing Snoopy’s nature, I was happy, smiling. Good memories. With all Yahuwah has led me through for nearly two years with 4 surgeries and long times of therapy and all the pain, He has taught me. He has always showed me things that kept me smiling, actually happy, actually at peace, joyful, and up-beat, and ready to go through, learn, be healed, and go on better for it.

I’m still in the healing stage. But, oh how He has changed my mind’s thinking through things He has allowed me to suffer. As in Daniel 3 and 6, we go through and come out stronger, if we obey the Master and fear not.

People want to escape anything they consider “bad.” Fear reigns in most humans now. Yes, fearful things are coming on the earth. Yet, 365 times in the Bible it says “fear not.” Why? “Fear not, for I am with you.” Does it say He will wave a magic wand and make everything nice for you? No, people are self-centered enough. He wants to grow us up to where we can rejoice and be at peace even when going through tribulation/pressure/hardship. It is a needed process, a required process to enter the Kingdom of heaven.

The word “tribulation” comes from the Latin world “tribulum,” which was a farm instrument used in ancient times to “till” the soil, break up the dirt clods, and also to put pressure on grain to release the chaff that binds it. He wants to use a tribulum on each of us to release what binds us from being the best we eternally can be. Humans are so sin-prone, they have to be “disciplined” as Hebrews 12 tells us, or else we are “illegitimate” children.

As long as Snoopy was with his master, Charlie Brown, he could be happily himself. He never thought of himself as a dog. We who are born again, have one Master, and one only – Yahuwah, our heavenly Father. As children of a heavenly Father, we pray “YOUR will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” As long as we are in His will, we can live in peace and joy, love, – and be released from fear. We must not think of ourself as a mere human! The born-again are “new creations,” and not “mere humans.” (II Corinthians 5:17)

This article carries a powerful message of how we must see ourself under a Master. And, I hope the pictures make you smile.

In His love, Yedidah – July 3, 2024


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