T.P.: Today’s Panic Prognosis With Other Important News

Shalom, joy, love, faith!

“T.P.: Today’s Panic Prognosis With Added Important News” is #179.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

Got your TP? It’s totally sold out in the whole city of San Diego. Look at the 7 pictures in this article, 6 photos and one very interesting cartoon. I took 5 of the 6 photos yesterday in our Walmart Super Store in southwest Fort Worth.

I went go get wipes. There was not one package of baby wipes anywhere. This morning, Abba spoke to me at 9:00 to go to Walmart right then. I obeyed. I went to check out baby wipes. The long row of shelves was bare – EXCEPT for 2 packages of baby wipes sitting in the middle of the row. I also got other things I needed, sometimes only 1-2 things were left, just for me. Does Abba care about baby wipes? No … but He cares about us enough to show us how much He loves us! Do you see how important it is to obey Him in every thing He tells us to do on a moment-by-moment basis. What if I had not gone when He told me to go? I would have missed out on baby wipes, but more than that, I would have missed out of His sweetness.

This article does not contain normal news! I add somethings you might never hear on public news, at least not right now. This “test” of the world’s fear-level is progressing well. Since most all of the world’s people are in fear and panic, “they” will soon go ahead with more dumping so that the world is ready for takeover. In the meantime as Abba told us, there are things coming in the heavenlies, our atmosphere, our solar system, our sun, our moon, and the cosmos in general. So this article is really not about the coronavirus, the U.N.’s COVID-19, but I give you much more.

This dump-on-the-world is expected to “run its course” by November. After all, it is a test. But, behind it comes the real reason for it! Prepare for “after…”

Yesterday, our Prayer Center leader spoke on the great I AM (Part III) from Exodus 3. I got chills as she told how this “virus” is a precursor to what is coming. She said that Yahuwah’s children should not pay attention to the panic reports, and go forward in faith, be strong, and a witness to all around us about our rock-solid faith and hope, and the reason for our joy and peace – our Savior and Messiah.

Yes, this is a test, a precursor to the real purpose to come – world government. She understands that and is preparing the people to stand strong. We talked afterwards, and we know the timing of these things – and about our “small window” to get things done for Abba that He wants us to do.

You also have a “window” in time, a small one, to get yourself in position to meet the Master, and so what He tells you now.

We talked about this small window. Things are aligning that I am amazed at.

The unity of the people with us, though a small group, is so powerful. We are growing closer and closer together as a family. The week before she had four people hold a big chupa/canope over us, as my son prayed the Aaronic Blessing in Hebrew over us. The week before we had a foot-washing time. The Presence of Abba was so strong to unite us in His love. Our fellowship is not around any religion of man, for we’re not religious. We worship our heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior. We go by the whole Word. We look forward to Passover.

How unusual – Passover this year will either be on the same day as the rabbinic dating, or a day different. But, for the first time in a long time.

There are things happening to our earth that man cannot do anything about. We have entered a debris field, and incoming objects from space are coming very close to us, like one that will barely skin the outer atmosphere of earth in about a week.

Check with spaceweather.com for details. Every day now meteors and asteroids are coming near earth, so the possibility of Revelation 8:1-10 is very real.

Our job is to self and enter into our temple within our spirit and commune with our Abba there.

Pastor McQueen had a dream of many people, believers, pressing forward to the gate of the heavenly kingdom. She saw “the city.” There were so many on a highway-type bridge out in the water trying to get to the city. Abba said, few can enter. She asked Him why. He said that His children had outside knowledge of Him in their mind (theology), but did not know Him on the inside (their spirit). Unless there is knowing of Him, and He is us, there is no relationship. How can He then direct and teach those who live from their carnal soul (mind, emotions, reasoning, feelings)? Many will seek to enter in that day He said, but many will be turned back, for He does not know them. (Matthew 7:21-23; 25:12, Luke 8, and 13)

Then she heard: “I am coming very soon.” That was Messiah!

Stubbornness, hard-headedness, self-reliance, self-centeredness, self-controlling self and others – this cancels out entering into the gate. Only relationship opens the doors to the City. Psalm 91 is about abiding in personal relationship. It is not a promise for the fearful!

Time to get real serious! No religion; no game-playing – no apathy – no laziness, no too busy to hear from Him. Lots of info in this article! Please share with others as the Spirit leads.

Blessings, love,


March 15, 2020

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