Shabbat Shalom!
“Speaking As a Texan – Geoengineering! Weather Warfare! No Doubt About It!” is #223.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
It’s been quite a week! I tell you my story about it. I give you no conspiracy theories, only confirmed facts. I saw what I knew was weather warfare retaliation a few years back in Texas with the former Governor when he bucked the will of the then President Obama. I recommend Steve Quayle’s book, Weather Warfare and Other Unnatural Disasters. You can get it for about ½ price and free shipping for a very good copy on Amazon.
This article has three pictures and two maps. It includes excerpts from confirming articles. It lays out what we’re up against here in Texas, along with other states whose Governors are boldly standing up to literal tyranny. So, the “why” is included in my telling of what happened. Standing for what’s just and right has a high price tag on it – especially when you representing millions of people as Governor Abbot is. Two other governors this week have had the courage to stand up to what’s not right coming out of D.C., and boldly declared their stand publicly. Let us pray that other governors will declare their stand for the right of their people, and that none be swayed by enemy action like we’ve seen in Texas this week.
This is preparation for what is planned for the American people in general. The stores are totally cleaned out here of food and staples… emptied! People have not prepared for power outages and/or water shut offs or burst water pipes, inability to get to a store, to get gas, or go anywhere because of the ice.
The economy has been greatly damaged. What’s behind it goes back to 1947. Please read: “70 Years of Geo-Engineering…”/Mikvah of Present Reality. Yah’s watchmen are chiming in, in one accord, and they’re right on in agreement.
Enjoy Shabbat!
February 19, 2021