Song of Songs – Hasten to Open the Door to Him the Updated Revised Version


An important addition to “Song of Songs…,” #75.0 under the Heart of Elohim, or Recent Articles, has been made on the first and second pages, which is truly revelatory from our Abba to us. While podcasting, this revelation came into my spirit and I talked a little about it in the podcast. But, even more came to me today to add. Evidently this revelation that may be very important to some of you did not get into the text of the original article posted last night. I corrected it!

You can download the article again or just read the revelation from pages 1-2 about the astounding prophetic word and timing that is interwoven into the text of Song of Songs 2:8-16. Take it to Abba in prayer, asking Him about it. The text is a message from Yahushua Messiah, the Bridegroom, to His Bride!

Thank you for your prayers and uplifting input into my life!



December 31, 2018

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