Snowstorms in the Northeast – Wildfires in California – Prophecy Given to Steve Quayle in 1994


This article is entitled “Snowstorms n the Northeast – Wildfires in California – Prophecy Given to Steve Quayle in 1994. It is under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim #74.0, or Recent Articles.

I am sharing prophecies of Scripture, but also prophecies given to His servants in our time period, which align to Scripture, prophecies that are coming into fulfillment now, as well as a general understanding about the increase in fallen angel and Nephilim activity on earth.

Portals are opening wide for the evil ones to come from their dimension and from under the earth, because of the worldwide diligent calling for the gods of old to return, and their offspring the demigods, also because of the satanic rituals and blood sacrifices offered to him worldwide.

Yet, very few of Yahuwah’s children are proclaiming the opening of portals for His entrance, few are calling for His Son to come, few proclaim His Word, few share His salvation, few sing His praises into the earth. The warnings of the watchmen are drowned out by the latest appeals to the intellect, and the lusts of the flesh. We must be more set-apart than ever before.

These prophecies by Steve Quayle are coming to pass, and things he said to watch for many years ago are now evident every day. Many years ago, he talked about a time when there would be the open flaunting of cannibalism, and practice of it, corresponding to the days of the giants before and after the Flood, associated with their modern return. It is overwhelming how cannibalism is now a popular subject of interviews, movies, news articles, and even intellectual writings discussing the protein value of human flesh.

So, I continue to share. I continue to write articles, even if just one, telling about the plans of the enemy, like the last one on Atzlan. I don’t dwell on anything but our need to press into knowing and serving Elohim more now than ever before. Yet, to soften the shock of reality in one’s backyard, so to speak, I write to prepare people using current happenings.

This one is just another example of how not just 223 prophecies of Scripture are coming to pass, but detailed events in various countries.

America is under the judgment of Yahuwah. It has been evident from at least 1990, now so more than ever. In understanding what He is doing, we can align more to His heart and pray correctly.

As always, in His love and shalom,


November 17, 2018

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Snowstorms in the Northeast - Wildfires in California - Prophecy Given to Steve Quayle in 1994
Snowstorms in the Northeast - Wildfires in California - Prophecy Given to Steve Quayle in 1994
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