Shocking Revelation! DNA Reality! “Harmless” Noahide Laws, the Great Deception, Trump, Kushner, and the Mark of the Beast


“Shocking Revelation! DNA Reality! `Harmless’ Noahide Laws, the Great Deception, Trump, Kushner, and the Mark of the Beast,” is #55.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.

This article gives shocking information from start to finish. The last five to six pages is compounded shockers. This article also includes revelation Abba has given to me recently and also revelation that has come while writing the article.

This is loaded with information that Abba’s children must know. There is no way around it; you must know these things to protect yourself, and to learn about things to come so you can avoid deception.

Amos 3:7 talks about Yahuwah revealing His secrets to His servants, the prophets. Today His prophets are watchmen blowing the verbal shofar to warn His people so that they do not take the mark of the Beast. The mark is not what we thought it was!!! It is now clear. It was exposed for what it was in 1932.

I’ve been studying day and night for a few weeks on this, and present to you an update of six other articles about the Noahide Laws, Kabbalah, the Globalist Talmudic Plan, which is being implemented quickly.

Please share this and other articles with others. I expose the deceit of well-known people to help save Messianic and Christian people for falling for purely satanic lies.

There are several reporting and exposing things on YouTube. I’ve found that the best has been Steven and Jana ben Nun of Israeli News Live. But, I’ve also got some key books I’m reading too. I’ve done my own research on everything, and been led by the Spirit.

PLEASE look up all the Scriptures. Read slowly! Take it in sections if you need to. I don’t want you to blow the circuits of your mind, take it easy. Most of His people are so in the dark about these things, but because we are so near the centuries-old plans being implemented by the Satanists, everything is coming to light. They’re not ready for us to know the truth until it is exposed. But, why wait!!!

There is so much in this article. Information from Dr. Lorraine Day is compacted in the last 5-6 pages. She says some shocking things – so shocking that Google took the video off Israeli News Live where she was being interviewed by Jana ben Nun. I had to click a button just so Google would let me watch it, and the next morning it was gone. I missed the last 15 minutes of it. But, I now have now suggested by Jana and Dr. Day, plus another one. One of them goes back to 1932 talking about these things.

I present to you the findings of DNA research, which I am studying more now in depth, so that you know who the players of the end game are, and how you can avoid the evil and side with the good. This Great Deception of Matthew 24 has been in the works for centuries. But now we can know it! So, study what is written here. It is compacted research information. Go to the Word, go to Abba. Let peace reign.

Shabbat Shalom, love,


May 3, 2019

Shocking Revelation! DNA Reality! "Harmless" Noahide Laws, the Great Deception, Trump, Kushner, and the Mark of the Beast
Shocking Revelation! DNA Reality! "Harmless" Noahide Laws, the Great Deception, Trump, Kushner, and the Mark of the Beast
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