SHALLOW! Playing in a Wading Pool in the Face of Annihilation

Shabbat shalom!

“Shallow! Playing in a Wading Pool in the Face of Annihilation” is #80.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness or Recent Articles on the main page.

I woke up this morning with this message in my spirit. As I ate some fruit and drank some green tea, the message got stronger. I wrote down key phrases. Then I took the computer and began writing. This article is what came out from the Spirit.

The time of warning is over. All the watchmen are feeling it. Few have listened, few have changed their lifestyle to match the directives of Yahuwah and Yahushua, most still hang onto the doctrines of man, and few understand that the game is coming to its desired goal – and few will be left on the planet when this real-life chess game is over. What rewards will shallowness get you?

Abba Yahuwah has warned through His servant-watchmen until He has grown weary, frustrated, disgusted, and angry, as He spoke through Jeremiah the prophet. For the most part, human beings, many of them claim Him as “God,” have tested His mercy until He can stand it no longer. The watchmen have warned until they have grown weary and frustrated, tired and disgusted. The battle is at the gate, so those true warriors of the King of kings are joining with the watchmen at the gate. Let every man will reap what they’ve sown.

Once again, I share things from my testimony – some repeated things because new people find the website and read the articles. But, also, joining things that I’ve not said before. I just typed as He led me. His children are nonchalantly splashing water as in a kiddy wading pool, laughing and talking, while all around things are collapsing and changing – yet reality and truth are relegated to the category of “someone else’s back yard.”

Things that are fearful, that people don’t want to deal with, cause them to go back to the wading pool, this time with a water gun and ice cream cone. Anything but face personal responsibility to “God.” or their eternal destiny. Yes, the “great falling away” is well in progress.

In my last article “Apostasy…” under Recent Articles, or Present Reality, I give lots of statistics. Those who are statistics themselves are so blinded and deafened that they can’t see anything wrong with themselves. They have changed their beliefs to match what gives them comfort.

This article is for those who want to prepare, be set-apart, and are on the move to higher things. Their spiritual eyes are open; their spiritual ears are attuned to the Master’s voice, and they boldly say as 4-year old Samuel once said, “Speak Lord, for your servant hears.”

May you see as He sees, hear as He hears, understand as He understands, know as He knows, feel as He feels, and act as He would act. Kick back against what the culture of paganism has done to your relationship with Yahuwah. Don’t be swallowed up by the “new norm.”

In His love, Shabbat Shalom, Yedidah

November 27 eve – 28 day – 2020

50.1 KiB

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