
“Run That You Might Win!” is #173.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

Philippians 3:14: “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

Yahuwah and Yahushua are training winners – those who will endure to the end and receive a “crown of life.” They are intensifying Their training because we have such a little while to go forward before the “great tribulation” attempt of Lucifer to bring on the Beast-rule begins.

We read the exhortation and expectation of the Apostle Sha’ul in II Timothy 2, he was ready to enter into the Kingdom of His Savior. He had paid the price. He was NOT ashamed. Neither was he proud or haughty. He was in a prison dungeon in Rome. He knew he would be martyred very soon. He also knew that the Greek word for “martyr” meant “witness.” I John 5:19: “The whole world lies in the evil one.” That means we are foreigners in this world. Our home is in the dimension of the eternal. Thus, we live a martyred life – death to selfish desires, obedient to our Master – in training for reigning in the Kingdom of “His Dear Son.”

Yes, I’m a cheerleader – exhorting, encouraging, cheering for His people to rise to who they are in order to “obtain the prize.” We don’t just believe, pray a prayer, and then we all go to heaven. No, there are positions, there are destinations, there are elevations, and there are things to avoid like being thrown out of the Kingdom.

In this exhortation, I encourage you to watch two movies – the kind of movies that carry a message from Abba for His children right now – movies you can show to your children and grandchildren. It’s now or never. It’s win or fall back. We don’t win without a struggle. Learn from these two real stories.

I have had severe set-backs, testing, pain, 4 surgeries, since July 2022. In all of it, I see the hand of my loving heavenly Father training me for the future He saw before the foundation of the world. He takes us through, as per Isaiah 43:1-5a.

Abba saw you before the foundation of the world. He has plans for you. Yet, we each must “overcome” all the trials so that we are wiser and stronger, more obedient, and more knowledgeable of our Heavenly Father and our soon-coming Savior. It’s called “personal relationship.”

Everything He allows is for your forward progress if you look at it from His standpoint in eternity. The heavenly hosts cheer you on, for Yahuwah and Yahushua cheer you on to victory. The worst thing you can do is whine, get fearful, cowardly, apathetic, lazy, rebellious, and not learn from Him so you do not go forward to reach His goals for you.

I’m sharing these things with you because eternity is nearer that most think.

It’s really “go for the gold, the silver, or the platinum,” but do not go backwards into the darkness and lose everything. The positions in eternity, each part of the division in a wedding group. Eternal positioning is what is happening now.

Be encouraged. Yahuwah is working for the highest good for us.

In His love, Yedidah

November 3, 2023

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