
“Rising Higher Into the Wind” is #174.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

He wants us to rise up and stand with Him in victory. Our overcoming is really “now or never.” Time is about out for His children to get in line with Him on our journey to the Kingdom.

This article is from deep in my spirit, as He has taught me through much hardship. I’ve had to fight so many things to keep going. This last fall set me back in my walking progress to the extreme. However, I met with the surgeon on Tuesday. They had taken x-rays of the broken femur, replacement knee, area. Before the doctor came in, my son and daughter-in-law with me looked at that x-ray and commended how straight my leg was. No sign of anything wrong.

The doctor came in and was rather shocked actually. Usually, I would begin putting weight on my left leg a little at a time after a month of staying off of it totally. I was good – I put no weight on my left leg for a whole month (smile). But, my healing was no “normal” – not to that extreme. He said I could begin to put full weight on the left leg. My home therapists were thrilled. Yesterday with the physical therapist that came to my house, I walked from my chair in the living room into the bedroom and back. I walked on both legs with a walker. Wow! What a thrill.

In the meantime, my son sent me a quote by Corrie Ten Boom with a picture of a bird flying up higher into a stormy sky. That picture and her comment told the story of what Abba was after in my three falls. The hernia surgery was only 8 days before the last fall, femur break. Why? I know why, from Him. I pass on to you the why, and what Yahuwah, our heavenly Father, is after from us.

This article contains so much reality and truth that I am going to podcast it.

Oh yea, after the therapist left, I saw my overflowing laundry basket. How could I do laundry in my condition? Hum … I thought of the moves I’d have to make not just for the washing but using the dryer (they’re in my kitchen). I did it. I did two full loads of laundry, folded the clean clothes and put them away.

As one therapist said a while back: “You never know what you can do, until you try.”

The born-again have a spirit of excellence and winning. How they use it by the mind’s reasoning, or yielding, is another story. This is something to share with others too.

In His love, Yedidah – November 9, 2023


1.9 MiB

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