Shalom, Chag Sameach!

“Recent Prophecy From Messiah Confirms and Strengthens the Words of Yahuwah,” is #119.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

This is a powerful Word from Yahuwah! It confirms how Yahuwah saw American’s National Prayer Rally on September 26th, and how it really did release His final judgment on America, as He told me – as I related in the article to you on September 26th about the Prayer Rally. That is still under “Recent Articles” on the main page, or #118 under the Heart of Elohim.

There are six pictures in this article, two of which show idolatry that is shocking as Christians get down on their knees to lay hands on the Washington Monument. I know – they are totally ignorant of what that monument stands for, and Abba has mercy on the ignorant. Yet, in the prophecy from Messiah in this article, it confirms what Yahuwah showed me on September 26th, when He said that He was releasing His judgment on America beginning that day.

Well folks, what was September 28th? It was Yom Kippur! Yom Kippur was the time of national salvation, or national damnation, depending on the repentance of the people between Elul 1 and Yom Kippur and His acceptance of the slain lamb to cover sin. Today, it is more crucial than ever before. The slain Lamb of Yahuwah is Yahushua, who does not “cover sin,” but removes it and its power over us. To continue on in ignorance and calloused carnality, idolatry, disobedience to Him, and self-centered love of this world, is to call down His judgment on ourselves. It is the day of national salvation. In the prophecy in this article, Messiah exposes how He and His Father saw that day. It is numbing.

Then, just as I was about to post the article, I noted Steve Quayle’s alert that a friend sent me. It aligned perfectly with what I had written and what Byron Searle had received from Messiah.

In this article, I finally give you a brief overview of the myth of Osiris and Isis that has been a foundational platform for the rising of Nimrod once again and a new world government. It’s all over the back of the dollar bill. Three videos, buy them used and cheap via Amazon if you want: The New Atlantis, Riddles in Stone, and The Eye of the Phoenix – Chris Pinto documentaries, Adullum Films – excellent, excellent! They will give you an overview of what we’re seeing right now and why. “The Eye of the Phoenix” tells about the symbolism on the dollar bill and more.

Also, at or maybe on Amazon too, you can get the DVD “The Belly of the Beast” to find out what those symbols in D.C. actually are, and what they mean.

To see our naïve brothers and sisters in Messiah bowing to the phallus of Osiris/Washington Monument, laying hands on other monuments to pray and then going to the National Mall for corporate prayer, which a subscriber who used to live in D.C. let me know, is known as the area between Babylon and Egypt. That area connects Nimrod with Osiris. Soon we will see what America was chosen to bring forth – a revived Nimrod to rule the world, the Apollo/Apollyon of Revelation 9:11.

I know this is Sukkot week, but if it is not used to press deeper into the heart of Yahuwah and Yahushua to know Them and learn from Them, it is no more than a religious vacation – a wasting of time in light of eternity. Get down on your knees if you can, head to the floor, and worship the King of Kings! He is soon-coming.

In His love, Yedidah October 6, 2020

Recent Prophecy From Messiah Confirms and Strengthens the Words of Yahuwah
Recent Prophecy From Messiah Confirms and Strengthens the Words of Yahuwah
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