Recent Articles

(December 13, 2024)
This is a very timely article as we face famine, and destruction in many ways. Abba gave me this teaching for you this last week until way after midnight. It is so practical, yet few know the principles necessary to obtain this kind of natural provision for us in these turbulent times. Learn and put faith into practice - it will bring you joy and peace.
# 111.0
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(December 11, 2024)
This is an extremely important article, sharing a series of articles that are absolutely truthful and loaded with information. This is information you won't find in most all reporting, explaining what is behind it all and where it is heading, and how it is going to affect everyone on earth.
# 208.0
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(December 10, 2024)
This is an overview of the intensity of the so-called recalls due to disease scares. When you see the wording given, you realize something is wrong. No reason is specific. What is the goal of this? What date has been set to end the confiscations? Where has all the food gone? It is a type of game with people's minds to produce fear, and cover the real reason for confiscations, but its goals are much higher than that.
# 104.0
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(December 9, 2024)
This is a very needed article to share with all of you who love our Savior and are preparing to enter the Kingdom of Elohim for eternity. Our alignment with Yahuwah and Yahushua and Their Word, and their requirements, is of utmost importance. Now is a time of final preparations in all ways, especially in our relationship with Them.
# 118.0
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(December 1, 2024)
This is a very encouraging article that is meant to bring you joy. Knowing the real Elohim (Father and Son) is sure different than being caught up in a man-made religion!!! The nature of Father and Son is so wonderful!
# 207.0
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(November 29, 2024)
Keep up with the progress of fulfilled Scripture and pray much. Rejoice, for your redemption draws near!
# 103.0
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(November 27, 2024)
This is a very important alert for America. Much is in the works to come down on America, and worldwide, as the fallen ones prepare to enthrone the bestial ruler of earth under Lucifer. Yet all is not as it appears - Isaiah 5:20. Evil blames what they do on the righteous and the ignorant believe the lie. This article will help you clarify what is lie and what is truth. Seek Abba about it.
# 102.0
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(November 21, 2024)
This is an emergency alert. The warnings have gone out for decades. Now we're on a daily watch, especially in America. This article contains very important information to tell us what "time" we're at on the clock of Yahuwah's prophetic Word. Abba wants His children prepared in all ways!
# 375.0
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(November 19, 2024)
This is a special and very serious alert. I "When they say `peace and safety' then sudden destruction shall come upon them." In the midst of it all, peace and safety seem to be renewed in America. Yet, the opposite-destruction-has been set in motion. Prepare!
# 374.0
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(November 18, 2024)
This is a powerful addition to Podcast DLIV giving more information on the 2024 "selection" of now President Trump. Please read and take it all to prayer, because I share things you will not hear from the majority of Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives. This information is very important for you to know in the light of truthful reality - pray according to the leading of Yahuwah's Spirit!
# 373.0
Downloaded: 117 times

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