Recent Articles

(February 9, 2025)
Every day we hear or read new news about new changes, with new challenges - interwoven with new deceptions and lies. With Yahuwah's Word as a foundation for our mind and spirit, He will help us discern truth from error so that we can live in peace of mind. This article gives more insight into upheaval as world government becomes more aggressive to take control. More truth is being exposed for us to note, to watch, and act on.
# 381.0
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(February 4, 2025)
Purim 2025 begins at sunset February 12th and goes through February 13th to sunset. This is a very important message for us now. We are in a time similar to the time of Mordecai and Esther - a time of "Purim" for the world's humanity. Today's world leaders of those like Haman are now taking many forms to accomplish the extermination of the human race.
# 68.0
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(February 2, 2025)
This information is for right now, more exposing of deception, more things to know and pray about, more things to be aware of as we go deeper and deeper into deception that is appearing all around us. The more truth you know the more you can see through the lies. Oh how the lies are abounding to bring fear!
# 380.0
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(January 27, 2025)
This article gives much information also given in Podcast DLXVI January 25, 2025, but goes much further with more - all of it information you must know to keep from deception. It is not given for fear, but for wisdom! Wisdom for you to know and act on as you prepare yourself and those you love. Trust no human fully - your own reasoning either. Trust Yahuwah and Yahushua as They speak in Their Word directly into your eternal spirit!
# 379.0
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(January 26, 2025)
This article was written and posted in 2017 following President Trump's inauguration of his first term. I took it off because I thought perhaps I was wrong about a few things. Yet, Abba has confirmed to me these things now related to Revelation 6:3 and the loosing of the other three riders. Between then and now, the other horsemen of Revelation 6 have been loosed. I will keep you up with the loosing from 2025 on.
# 378.0
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(January 19, 2025)
Very important message for prayer and for knowing! So much could happen that would be devastating tomorrow at President Donald Trump's inauguration. So much planned and precautions made to protect him. I give inside information that relates to a very important promise that Trump has made that affects lots of lives, and even the whole nation.
# 377.0
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(January 17, 2025)
This profound message will touch your heart and lead you to know Abba and our Savior better and learn more of how to view others like They view you. The link to the actual meeting, so you can watch it, is included along with Derek's personal notes and outline so you can study it more later.
# 211.0
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(January 15, 2025)
Here I quote from Tom Horn's book about 2025. I have studied and written about the real history of America and shared it with many in articles and audio messages. Now we have entered the time of the End of the once great superpower as the world prepares for one world government.
# 376.0
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(January 8, 2025)
This will probably contain lots of truth that you already know. However, this is a pointed statement article that lets you know how urgent it is that you become single-minded about your eternal body, soul, and spirit. While enemies want to destroy our body, soul, and spirit, Yahuwah wants us to enter His Kingdom with rewards, knowing Them, and They knowing us.
# 210.0
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(December 26, 2024)
The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is always a great adventure because it allows us to tap into the mind and purposes of Yahuwah Himself. He wants us to know what He is doing, so that we take part in what He is doing, aligning with His perfect will for us in it all. We, of all people, can know why things are happening, and be a part of the end result He has for us - eternal life.
# 113.0
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