(March 22, 2025)
This contains a highly important information update on the progression of what we know is deadly to all humans, but now especially deadly to those who are born again by faith in our precious Savior!
# 216.0
Downloaded: 45 times
(March 19, 2025)
Indeed, lots of information of fast-moving events! I was overwhelmed writing the article with the intensity of shocking events, as things move faster and faster and time appears to be speeding up.
# 383.0
Downloaded: 66 times
(March 12, 2025)
There may be some hidden things in you that Elohim sees - things you need to know about yourself.
Gideon went from very fearful and hiding out to leading the 300 against the mighty army of Midian.
In this day and age, He is calling to many whom He has foreknown to rise up and be who they really are under His power and authority.
Gideon went from very fearful and hiding out to leading the 300 against the mighty army of Midian.
In this day and age, He is calling to many whom He has foreknown to rise up and be who they really are under His power and authority.
# 114.0
Downloaded: 80 times
(March 9, 2025)
This article contains valuable information and makes things very clear so that no one is deceived. It is based on a very important article that explains truth from falsehood. Messiah warned us against being deceived more than any other warning. Great deception is mounting by the day.
# 382.0
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(March 5, 2025)
This set of 4 articles is Part III in my series of notes I've taken from truth loving Jamie Walden and those interviewing him. I begin with a heart-to-heart message to you. What I share with you is to prepare you for the reality of what is now attempting to hide for a while.
# 215.0
Downloaded: 98 times
(March 3, 2025)
This is Part II of my notes and comments on four more recent Jamie Walden teachings and interviews, sharing strong current information that goes deep into hidden things not exposed to the public, especially not to Christian truth-lovers. After studying with Part I, proceed to Part II. Part III is going to go even deeper with very shocking and numbing things.
# 214.0
Downloaded: 93 times
(March 1, 2025)
I am sharing my notes with you that I have taken while listening to very important teachings. There are 4 articles represented in this set of teachings by Jamie Walden. Intense reality with Scripture to back it leaves us with hunger to study more.
# 213.0
Downloaded: 103 times
(February 25, 2025)
This highly important article comes from the heart of Elohim to those who love truth. It is a now or never calling to us. We cannot remain silent in the face of evil.
# 105.0
Downloaded: 88 times
(February 22, 2025)
This article is also Podcast DLXXI under "Audio Messages." It is a personal testimony of how Yahuwah gave me, this morning, explicit answers to questions I've had a long time, to set me free to be what He wants me to be and do what He wants me to do. His words to me are also words to you!
# 212.0
Downloaded: 81 times
(February 9, 2025)
Every day we hear or read new news about new changes, with new challenges - interwoven with new deceptions and lies. With Yahuwah's Word as a foundation for our mind and spirit, He will help us discern truth from error so that we can live in peace of mind. This article gives more insight into upheaval as world government becomes more aggressive to take control. More truth is being exposed for us to note, to watch, and act on.
# 381.0
Downloaded: 127 times