Shalom! Blessings!
“Psalm 94: Judge of the Earth Shine Forth” is #128.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.
I thank you for moving in unity with me as we stand for truth, righteousness, and justice, in the peace of our Master – calling on the One who is in absolute control of all, our precious Abba/Father Yahuwah. As we allow our human nature to be transformed into His nature, with His thinking, and His ways of doing things, we understand Psalm 2 a little better. He knows the future, and He proclaims it. He is our defense!
In this news update, I first of all share the link to the Sons of Korah song of Psalm 94. The words are also included. Then I share the link to the treasure trove of Psalms’ music from The Psalms Project. I urge you to listen to Psalm 2 sung by Shane Heilman entitled “Kiss the Son.” It is on the top line of Psalm titles – click the > twice. It is the last one of the top line. “Kiss the Son” refers to the ancient Middle East embrace of two men who are in agreement – the kiss on each cheek with the hug of both arms.
I give a report by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in which he exposes by two videos and his report amazing truth as to how China took over America and put in one of their men as President. Amazing report. In the article I quote from is the video that you can hear for yourself. Truth is still being spoken, though as the days progress it will be fought against dramatically.
I give you Abba prospective on these things and how He expects us to think and act in the light of His being Shaddai Elyon – the Almighty Most High. As His children we do not hate, we do not act in violence, we do not try to get revenge, we do not sit still either. Psalm 94 is a prayer that you must take into your spirit and pray it out! It is a call for His action, which He wants to hear from us!!!
Our Abba Yahuwah is kind and good. He wants “none to perish, but all to come to repentance.” We must be people of peace, prayer, and praise. We are children of light – let us reflect His Kingdom’s light!
I will be podcasting Psalm 92, 93, and 94 soon. We dramatically proclaim the Psalms while praising the King of the Universe for shining forth as the “Judge of the earth.”
Blessings, continue in peace,
January 21, 2021