Prophetic Word by Lois Vogal-Sharp November 14, 2018
Prophecy – Awakening of The Giants 11-14-2018 Lois Vogel-Sharp …
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Brief Update on Israel below…
Dear brothers and sisters:
I realize I have been writing a lot lately on current events that match the prophetic Word, but it is for one reason–to warn, and to wake up, as many as possible to the fact that we as the human race are under siege. Yahuwah is calling for His remnant-army, His servants, to arise to battle.
The powers of the air are coming down through their portals in the cosmos, from their kingdom of darkness, and are entering earth by the multi-millions. The Spirit of Yahuwah is not striving with them any longer, as in Ezekiel 8, He is departing to allow the evil ones to have their “short time.” He is not departing from His servants. To us He says: “Fear not, for I am with you…I will never leave you or forsake you.”
These ones entering earth via portals in the cosmos are principalities and powers, the rulers of darkness, the wickedness in high places that Ephesians 6:10-18 talks about.
On the earth are the spirits of dead Nephilim from before the Flood and after the Flood, the “demigods” of the nations, the offspring of the Watchers, the fallen angels of Genesis 6:1-4, so well described in the book of Enoch 1.
A few days ago, I wrote the article entitled “Prophecy Aligning and Calling for Yahuwah’s Remnant-Army to Arise to Battle.” It’s under “Recent Articles.” In it were two recent prophecies that confirmed what I have been hearing from Abba and seen in visions.
We have entered the time of the coming down of the hierarchy of heaven, the rising up of the spirits bound in the earth, and the increasing attacks of the spirits of the Nephilim, the once demigods of the nations, who seek a body to work through.
In that article, I encouraged you to use the Spirit’s gift of the discernment of spirits every moment of every day. The subtlety of these spirits is amazing, bringing more and more deception to the lukewarm, to those not “on fire” for our Abba Yahuwah and our Savior-Messiah Yahushua.
This is a special letter to you subscribers to
Above I gave you a link to a You Tube video in which a lady from New York is sharing recent dreams, and a word she received last night from Abba.
For me, the receiving of dreams, visions, words, impressions, His speaking to my spirit is just normal in the Kingdom of Light. Since I was baptized into the Spirit in November of 1966, the operations of the gifts of the spirit, the fruit, the teaching, the speaking of the Spirit of Yahuwah within my spirit, is just life with Daddy. It is normal life with Abba Yahuwah!
It is normal for those whose spiritual ears are tuned to His voice. The things of the book of Acts are just normal for those who are immersed into the Spirit of Yahuwah by Yahushua, and who are humbly submitted to Them.
You from “stayed” religious backgrounds might think this lady to be overly emotional, seeing nonsense, or over-reacting to the pizza she had for dinner. But, I tell you that I would not recommend that you listen to this 21 minute video if I thought she was off even ½ of 1% in any direction. She is not “off.” She has learned from the Spirit. Her words were 100% confirmation to me. Abba is saying the same things to His servants (Amos 3:7) Let me know what He is showing you! Align everything to the Word!
Yes, she calls herself “Christian.” She uses “Jesus.” But, she also uses Yeshua ha Machiach. I am amazed at how many watchmen are using Yahweh, or Yeshua, at least. It is because the Spirit of Yahuwah is taking His watchmen from where they were to where He wants them, and in the meantime, introducing to them simple understanding He will build on later. We should shout for joy at that! It’s not how much knowledge we have in our head that is most important, no matter how good it is. It’s all about John 17–uniting with our brothers and sisters in Messiah and loving each other because of the love of Elohim!
In the Kingdom of Messiah on earth, “Christians” will be quickly instructed in the basics of Torah, and have 1000 years to guard it as Yahushua instructs. The 1000-year reign of Messiah will be one great school for those who love Truth and hunger for it! What Abba is looking for is submitted loyal, obedient, servants who have His nature!
We are in a battle! The wimpy, comfort-loving, lukewarm weaklings in faith will fall away to the deceptions of the evil one. The evil ones tantalize the mind, and soothe the emotions with deceit, and Abba’s people are falling prey to it by the hundreds of millions. Those that stand in His armor will prevail and overcome.
Like I’ve said, all the watchmen are seeing “eye to eye,” as it says in Isaiah 52.
Lois Vogal-Sharp is not a sensationalist, a preacher, or a religious performer. She is speaking what Yahuwah has given to her with the passion of one who is loyal to her Elohim. You should have heard me preaching on the streets of Los Angeles all hours of the night in my early 20s, and also my preaching in Africa (1996-2001) and in Mexico during the 1990s. When I am free to preach with His passion, and the anointing comes on me to declare His heart, His Truth, you might be shocked.
I am appalled at the spiritual deadness, the dulled mind “zombification” of the American people in general. When the anointing comes, the Presence of Yahuwah, upon His servants, they preach with fervor.
I’ve heard about six prophecies by Lois, and all of them have been Word-based and accurate. She uses “rapture,” meaning our catching away at His coming, then adds–it’s at the end of the tribulation (Matthew 24:29-31). I have to smile at that.
Don’t waste time hanging around what is dead and dying, at least not very long. Try to revive it by prayer and proclamation, but don’t die with it.
Fellowship were the Spirit is moving, and the book of Acts is alive and well, where the faith of Abraham is in operation.
We need each other – we need fellowship with those that know Elohim — Daniel 11:32 — we need to be strong in faith and act. That is why Yahuwah has been so urgent with me since March to move to Texas. Well – now I’m here! He is gathering His set-apart ones for our future assignments!
No, I am not a Pentecostal. I am not a “Charismatic.” I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Libertarian. I have no slot other than I am a servant of El Shaddai, Elyon, Yahuwah and Yahushua. I think, speak, and act as led by Them.
Let us be “sold out” to Them!
I shared what Lois said in the recent article “Prophecy Aligning…”, but this is today’s word from Lois, and from Abba.
In the love of our Master,
November 14, 2018
PS: UPDATE! I saw where Avigor Lieberman, Israel’s Defense Minister, has quit! He is disgusted. Israeli legislators have voted to accept a cease fire with Hamas.
“Palestinians use an Islamic term for cease–fire –`Hudna.’ ” They declare a cease fire, which gives them a chance to regroup and attack their enemies stronger. It’s an old trick. Israel knows that. Who is telling Israel what to do? – America, the Pope, a Rothschild, or, most likely, the United Nations.
Over 500 rockets were fired by Hamas from Gaza into Israel in the last few days. Who supplied those rockets? Russia, the U.N., Iran, who knows who else… Hamas will control the hudna! Then fire more rockets. It’s a no-win situation unless Israel takes the lead! Pray!