Blessings and Shalom!
“Prophecy From Messiah: The First Five Seals Are Open and United – The Coming Fulness of the Fifth Seal is Near” is #100.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.
This sobering prophecy aligns to all that Messiah has said to me and others. Yet, He adds things that should wake up the dead! He will wake up the dead – the righteous dead – in the 1st resurrection, but I’m talking about the spiritually dead who ignore all but what they want to believe.
We’re watching the compacting of the 1st 4 seals, and the beginnings of the 5th seal. It is the 5th seal that is the divider between what was, what is, and what is to come. It divides between the two groups of Revelation 7. It divides between the true believers and the pretenders.
This article should send you to prayer, seeking Abba and preparing for what He tells you to do. All the truly born again have their eternity in the Kingdom of Light, depending on their building on what they have been given. The martyrs have the reward of joining the “144,000” in the throne room.
May you diligently seek the highest rewards.
In His love, Yedidah
February 18, 2020