Prophecy Aligning and Calling for Yahuwah’s Remnant-Army to Arise to Battle


This is a special article that contains two prophetic warnings since November 2nd, prophecies akin to what I have been given, and visions I have seen. This article is entitled: “Prophecy Aligning and Calling for Yahuwah’s Remnant-Army to Arise to Battle.” It is #49.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation, or Recent Articles.

This is a most important article for it tells of the urgent necessity of preparing to stand in the power of His might to do battle against the invading army of most-ancient returning gods and demigods. Talk about invaders! But, mankind is not just letting them in, but worshipping them once again, and begging them to return.

Yesterday we learned that Israel is indeed in a battle with Hamas, war-conditions prevail. In wrote about this in an article a few days ago about Israel’s invasion of Gaza militarily. It has begun out of necessity. It started as an “invasion” by Israel, and continued with the killing of Hamas’ top military commander. When things become intolerable, we must go on the offense in battle. The escalation is serious. Netanyahu came home from France to attend to it.

I am watching this happening and wondering if it may lead to alignment with what Henry Gruver prophesied regarding these things and the U.N.’s response. He saw Israel attacking Hamas, taking over Gaza, and the U.N. and all the nations of the world coming together against Israel because of it. We are in the time of Zechariah 12:1-3.

Update on caravans approaching the U.S. southern border:

There are now three caravans approaching the Mexico-US border. Donald Trump is taking appropriate action as would a wise man, for it is an assault, an invasion, mostly by adult males. As they came into Guatemala, they were so violent and lawless that the President of Guatemala went in and arrested some, including 100 ISIS members among them.

They have been violent and lawless in Guatemala and Mexico. They have raided stores, stolen what they wanted, raided for food and clothes, and then left their trash in the streets of the towns. They are a lawless hoard, using a few women and children as shields of respectability, but harbor drug cartel gangs, jihadists, terrorists of all types, murderers, rapists, thieves, destroyers of property, and destroyers of lives.

Some illegals tried to cross the border a few days ago. One threw a rock at a Border Policeman. The rock hit his head and killed him – a young man died because of the insanity of another who has no regard for human life.

If they are allowed freely into America without obeying our immigration laws, as the U.N. is demanding, they will do as those have done in Europe–destroy the culture, the people, and peace in general.

This has nothing to do with humanitarian help. It has to do with stopping more criminals from harming Americans. If they peacefully want to apply for legality, they can. But, it appears that they don’t want to!

What was Yahuwah attitude in the Word against the lawless–those that wanted to mix with His people and bring their wicked ways into His territory?  He is a Father. How would any good father act if violent people wanted to harm his children? So, as Trump is trying to do, we must stop them before they cross over.

They are angry mobs with “clenched fists,” paid for by George Soros and those aligned with him. That’s not speculation – that’s fact. Soros and globalists like him are dedicated to flooding America with illegal criminals, like Antifa, for example.

You might contend that there are good people among them, and we should be kind to the good people. Will you volunteer to help sort out the good from the wicked? Except for most of the women and children I suppose, what good person would be a part of such a violent and lawless mob?

Yet, the liberal’s “compassion” card will be played by lying deceivers in our government. To those calling for “compassion,” I ask: Will you take in a few of the men into your home to live with your family, and help them become “legal.” Will you pay for them to get settled into their own homes inside America, help them get a job and help them have what they need on a daily basis? Is that “compassion,” or insanity? No, Americans who cry “compassion” will cheer for the government to take care of them. Talk about hypocrisy!

Pray that Abba’s will be done! He knows the heart of each person, so pray for those in the caravans who are really victims, like a few men, the women and children, to find safety. This is not like in World War II, when European Christians, like Corrie Ten Boom and her family, housed Jews in her house to keep the Nazis from taking them to concentration camps – far from it!

Yes, we must be ready to take in the fleeing righteous within our own country. The thing with aiding wicked invaders is that Yahuwah has given us His will in matters like this. We also have to realize that this is part of America’s sowing and reaping. Do you know that America and Saudi Arabia joined together in 2015, and what they are doing in Yemen? That’s news hidden from us!

Recently, the U.N. gave Saudi Arabia a glowing report on their “human rights.” “WHAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS!” Saudi Arabia is one of the top abusers of human rights in the world! They and America joined together over some political problem in Yemen, which has resulted in the people dying, starving, suffering in a cholera epidemic. America is guilty of creating these atrocities by sticking our nose into what is none of our business, just as we’ve done in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and on and on! No doubt about it! America is definitely under Yahuwah’s judgment. He is the One who is bring down America because of our incredible mindboggling sins against Him, His Son, and His people. Jeremiah 50-51 is now in beginning. The game players are all in place, waiting for their time.

Continue to pray for the tremendous job ahead of starting life over again in many ways for L.A. and Peggy Marzulli. Like Derek commented last night, “I have no words to describe this…” How can we wrap our minds around the losses?

We need each other! Stand together with His watchmen!

In His love,


November 12, 2018





Prophecy Aligning and Calling for Yahuwah's Remnant-Army to Arise to Battle
Prophecy Aligning and Calling for Yahuwah's Remnant-Army to Arise to Battle
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