Greetings, Shabbat Shalom,

“Present Reality We Must Prepare For Quickly” is #325.0 under the mikvah of Present Reality, or “Recent Articles” on the main page of

This brief article has quotes from Paul Begley and “Mike from around the world” last Thursday night. I will be sending you more or my research notes from various interviews that target the truth we need to hear. The presence and lies of the enemy are descending from their dimensions into this world like rain – by the tens of millions. I am dedicated to exposing the lies of both the fallen ones and those who believe their religious deceptions that sound oh so good, but are damnable.

Many attacks on me physically, mentally, emotionally, my computer/internet ability BIG TIME, to do all kinds of ruining of my ability to communicate and carry on my work for Abba of current news warnings, Bible teaching, and exhortation. The months ahead are really going to speed up the return of Messiah.

Please spend Elul in much prayer, fasting as you are led to do, and proclaiming the good news of salvation and the return of the Savior.

Shalom and love, Yedidah

August 26, 2023

For offerings, gifts, tithe, please use one of these two options

1) For giving via check or money order: Make all out to Charlotte Townsend, P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033 or

2) Use the Pay Pal Option under “Contact” on the main page of the website, upper righthand corner.

***Note*** Make sure that you send via Pay Pal only through the “friendsoption so that you are not charged a fee, and we are not taxed for what you send. Your gifts are simply that – gifts. I no longer have my 501C corporation. Now Pay Pal has the word “friends” with an arrow to the right to click to wave the fees for sending. Go to Paypal via the “Contact” tab on the main page of

***If you are new, or have not been in contact with me for a while, please include your e-mail address with your gift. Yes, I need to thank you for what you send. I do use Pay Pal’s message send to thank people, but I like personal contact.

    My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.

I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!

For offerings, gifts, tithe, please use one of these two options

1) For giving via check or money order: Make all out to Charlotte Townsend, P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033 or

2) Use the Pay Pal Option under “Contact” on the main page of the website, upper righthand corner.

***Note*** Make sure that you send via Pay Pal only through the “friendsoption so that you are not charged a fee, and we are not taxed for what you send. Your gifts are simply that – gifts. I no longer have my 501C corporation. Now Pay Pal has the word “friends” with an arrow to the right to click to wave the fees for sending. Go to Paypal via the “Contact” tab on the main page of

***If you are new, or have not been in contact with me for a while, please include your e-mail address with your gift. Yes, I need to thank you for what you send. I do use Pay Pal’s message send to thank people, but I like personal contact.

    My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.

I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!





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