This article is borne out of a revelation I was given last night, January 11th, during an amazing prayer gathering, where we touched the throne of Yahuwah and felt Him touch us back. The title is: “Praying With Yahuwah.” It is #23.0 under the Mikvah of the Spirit.
This goes hand in hand with my last posted article under the Heart of Elohim, “My Dream: Messiah is Gathering to Unite and Set Apart.”
He is gathering, uniting, setting apart, purifying, setting into position, and preparing His servants to go forth under His command as a “Gideon 300” army.
Are you aligned with His control-center–His Spirit, His throne room–so that in your spirit you are hearing and obeying His instructions to you personally? Are you delving deep into the Word, taught by the Spirit, so that you are hearing and obeying His instructions to all of us?
Long ago, I stopped writing to the apathetic, lazy, cowardly, fearful, do-nothings of religious nothingness. I’ve concentrated on strengthening the remnant who is righteous of heart, but who needs answers and encouragement. From my own testimony, you know I have not one religious cell in my body – I have gone through hell and back, and through it all I’ve come to really know Yahuwah and Yahuhua, to love and obey Them, and to live a life of miracles. I study to find the Truth and to walk in it! I expose the deception and lies of what is destroying His people.
As His Spirit is concentrating on the few on the narrow path to the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), so His prophets and teachers are also focusing on those who are awake, while we still hope to awaken a few that have fallen by the wayside, or are on “the broad road to destruction.” Tough times require tough action. Life as usual is long gone.
Please share with those who need encouragement, edifying, strengthening, and answers. I’ve been writing a lot the last two years to strengthen the body of Messiah, who is the target of the enemy’s weapons.
Shabbat Shalom! In His love,
January 12, 2018
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