Shalom! Shalom!

“Praying Imprecatory Prayers With the Nature of Yahuwah” is #122.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

A man who lived next door to me in an apartment house in Aqaba, Jordan, a retired pastor of a Methodist Church in America, one day said that he would not pray those “bad prayers” in the Bible. I asked him what he considered bad prayers. He said those prayers of King David that cursed people and ask God’s for vengeance to be taken out on them. I said, “there are no bad prayers in the Bible.” He was indignant at me, and grunted so, saying no more.

Steve Quayle has said in the last few days that it is time to pray the “imprecatory prayers” of King David as we join with God in His anger against evil and injustice. In fact, he has said that for a long time. But, now …

Quayle said, “…there is no political solution to a spiritual problem.” He’s right. The earth is being filled with, and taken over by, fallen angels and their hybrid offspring in preparation for the coming of the world ruler, the “Beast” of Daniel 7 and 8, and Revelation 13. This 7-headed Beast has headed 6 world-ruling nations so far, and the 7th one is rising right now. Many of our world rulers now are Satanists. They have sold their soul to him for power over people.

As the Scriptures have told us about the end-time nation that will bring Apollyon to power (Revelation 9:11), America – aka end-time, or the final, Babylon, destined to restore what Nimrod began and Yahuwah ended (Genesis 11) – so we are watching the destruction of the nation in order for the kingdom of darkness to take over the earth. No matter who is finally declared to be President of America, the “dye is cast,” the line has been crossed, and there is no going back.

It is time to pray the “imprecatory prayers,” for Yahuwah’s judgment is ready to fall hard and complete. Isaiah 10, 13, 47, Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 18 etc. are Scriptures describing end-time America, the great world super power given 70 years to be so, by the mercy of Yahuwah. Then another 4 years of mercy added to that under Donald Trump.

Interesting that the 70-generation prophecy of Enoch ended in 1896 – the year of the return of many Nephilim and many of the fallen angels to power over world rulers. The Spirit of Yahuwah said He would “strive” with them for 120 years, for “they are also flesh.” His striving ended in 2016, the year Donald Trump was elected. The withdrawal of the Spirit of Yahuwah began at that time, to give the fallen ones their final chance to do as they will before they are sealed in damnation forever. I wrote three articles at the beginning of 2016 about the “withdrawing,” as well as brought the Shmittah Year prophecies up to date in “The Shmittah Year Prophecy Revisited.” I say no more at this point … go to Abba about His timing.

Yet even during the presidency of Donald Trump, the foundation for this communist coup we’re in was laid by those that fought against him. He’s still the President, and “the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.” But, no matter who is in that office, the coup will go forward to its end.

These “bad” Psalms are only bad for the wicked. Read this article carefully. Read over the Psalms that are listed, and apply as He leads you. Yahuwah is angry and grieving as in Genesis 6.

In supporting what He must do, we comfort Him. We draw Him close to us. We need justice in our own lives. As we join with Him, He will take care of us.

In His love and protective care … Yedidah

November 9, 2020

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