Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem

Greetings: Shabbat Shalom!

Abba gave me this article this morning to share with you. It comes from learning several things that are happening to escalate prophetic fulfillment to do with our Homeland. To understand the great importance of East Jerusalem, I ask you to review the article under the Mikvah of Our Eternal Inheritance, “East Jerusalem.”

This article is entitled: “Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem.” It is #51.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.

In the article, I relate from The Jerusalem Post about President Trump’s new “peace plan”–a prophetic disaster plan. It must please the United Nations very much, the Vatican, the Globalists, Trump’s friends in the Rothschild family, the Nephilim, and the fallen angels, too, besides a lot of the Arab world, especially the Arab Nazis who back the plan of Hitler. Please review: “Hitler’s Secret Plan for World Conquest Exposed – It is Unfold Before Our Eyes in Western Europe, the U.K., and America”/Mikvah of Present Reality. Knowing the plan of Hitler will help you understanding what is going on with this worldwide Muslim migration. The Arabs are dedicated to fulfilling his plan!

I included a letter today by Jerry Golden, a Messianic Jewish man who lives in Israel, and is greatly involved with preparations to rescue European Jews when they begin fleeing. Jerry’s son, Joel, is career-IDF, so Jerry has close touch with what is really going on. Jerry mentions June as a prime month for war in Israel, by Israel, against Israel. In a dream I had around 2016, Abba showed me a war expected in June of a future year. War in the winter would be a hardship, but right now, the two sides are facing off, and Hezbollah awaits the nod with their thousands of rockets pointed at Northern Israel. Jerry said the IDF was expecting full war by June of 2018, but Abba rules the schedule of men.

If ever we needed to get serious as believers in the House of Ephraim and/or the House of Judah together, in unity in Messiah, it is now. The John 17 unity is the foundation for the selection of a remnant that has the heart of Abba Yahuwah. This remnant is soon to go forth into the earth with the message of salvation, and the message of judgment. Jerusalem must go through its time of judgment as we see in the Word, but then, yes THEN – Messiah will come and destroy Israel’s enemies.

Please listen to the Podcasts “The Snake Is in the Dining Room,” and “My Dream…” I smile: No, the snake in the dining room is NOT an article about the poisons in our food!  It is about a literal snake that slithered into our family’s dining room while we were in the dark, on the floor, snuggled up in comfortable covers, watching a movie on TV. The long thin snake came through a small crack in the patio door, and slithered just inches above our heads across the living room, hallway, and into the dining room. There was a lot of prophetic fulfillment in that reality which I present with other such stories of facing snakes of varying types – physical and spiritual.

Shalom and blessings, as you grow in grace, favor, and strength, in the Master,


January 19, 2019


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