Chag Sameach! Shalom!

“Power in the Name! Victory in the Name! Freedom in the Name!…” is #45.0 under the Mikvah of the Spirit, also under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

With all I have to report to you about what is planned by the evil ones and getting closer to happening, Abba wanted me to send you this, which is more important than anything the enemy is doing. If you get hold of this, the enemy can’t do what he wants to do with you– i.e. drag you into hell with him.

I guess you’ve heard the recent edict of the “President.” Yesterday he announced that all Federal employees had to be vaccinated. In our small local congregation, this affects quite a few, since we are connected to many in different states who join us by prayer calls on the phone – community hook-ups. It will affect millions of people in the U.S. Tens of thousands will be forced to forfeit jobs they’ve had a long time. It is time for all those of Yahuwah’s children who have prepared and simplified their lives to prepare to live a totally different lifestyle – for sure one totally dependent on Yahuwah. Those who know Him, trust Him!

Things will speed up drastically now. All prophecy can be scrunched down to be fulfilled in a year of less. Throw away those man-opinion charts and learn from the Spirit of Yahuwah as you pray and study His Word. He has shown me much in the last month. Various things Christian and Messianic believers are looking for either won’t happen, or sure won’t happen as Greco-Roman culture dictates it. I’m taking a whole new look at Revelation 13 and I see it taking a very different course than what Christian eschatology dictates. No charts! No man-made doctrines! They won’t work now. We’ve entered a Shmittah Year … Yahuwah works on cycles. Tribulation comes after the mid-point of a cycle. Please go to Him about it! Will all that the globalists have planned wait another 4½ years?

I want so much to explain things – but some things will just have to learned by individuals as Yahuwah reveals things – opens the minds of His people to understand what has already taken place that has put deep into the fulfillment of all prophecy.

This article presents a test for you. I hope you all pass (smile). Are you depending on your mind, its reasoning, its decisions – with its instability? Or, are you getting everything straight from the throne into your “Holy of Holies” within your re-born spirit by His Spirit?

In hearing from Him, we have great peace! We can face anything if He is with us. Get Isaiah 41:10-13 into your spirit. It’s a covenant sign.

I hope to get another update out by tomorrow morning – but probably not until Sunday because of all that Abba is giving me now.

In this brief article, I speak to you from my heart! I really care deeply about Yahuwah’s children, like yourselves. I know what works! I’ve had it tested and proven most all my life. So, through the years, I know it works. I know how faithful He is! I also know He can only help us if we are submitted to Him totally.

This article has a longer title than what I put above, but it could have gone on and on. It is a declaration!

Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the heinous false flag of 2001. More false flags of deeper intensity are expected, if not tomorrow, soon… I pray that you’re all prepared and ready in all ways! For it is now all coming down! A severe lockdown is planned to go with the false flag. Don’t be left stranded by your own laziness.

Shalom, Yedidah – September 10, 2021

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