Podcasts finished! And to think, a little over a week ago, I came down with an ear infection and laryngitis. I did three podcasts yesterday and four today. Now, all the healing articles are posted. All the podcasts on healing are ready for hearing under Audio Teachings on
The information in these articles and podcasts on Healing contains a concentrated message from our heavenly Father to us personally. If you do not get hold of what our Abba has given to you through Messiah and the Spirit of Yahuwah, the power of the Spirit, His gifts, His anointing, He will not be able to help you, or use you, in the days of desperation that are fast-coming upon us.
Technology today can put thoughts in our mind, erase our memory, or scramble our thinking. Do you know how to live out of your spirit? Do you have such a relationship with Abba and Messiah that you are instant in warfare, proclamation, declaration, and filled with His authority and power, in His love, so that you obey Him instantly? Do you want peace in times of tribulation? It will not come unless your relationship with Him is already established. Fear will overcome you unless you are grounded in Him, stable, solid in faith.
I’ve gone from teaching to pleading with His people, as have many of our good watchmen also, because the times are critical. Instead of reporting, men like Steve Quayle, Mike Adams, Dave Hodges, Steven ben Nun, Paul Begley, and others, are pleading with His people to get serious, for the tribulation is fast-coming.
Our preparation comes from serious intentional building of a relationship with Yahuwah through faith in Messiah Yahushua. This does not come over night! This type of relationship and building of faith does not happen quickly. It comes from intentional daily relationship, absorbing His Word, taught by the Spirit, and our pressing into Him by prayer with fervor. Prioritize!
These things cannot be taken lightly. I share with you “thus saith Yahuwah.”
I speak to your spirit. I do not podcast or write to entertain. Do not skim the articles. Look up the Scriptures so that the Spirit can teach you. Learn how to walk in the Spirit, hear Him teach, and learn how He transforms you as in II Corinthians 3:17-18, so that He can transform you into His nature, ways, and thinking.
Please share the podcasts and articles with others!
Will you rise to what He has given to His children, especially for our day?
In His love,
February 2, 2019
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