
Podcasts LXXXII and LXXXIII are ready to be listened to under Audio Messages on comeenterthemikvah.com.

Podcast LXXXII is built on the foundation of the last-posted article: “Anak Krakatoa is Blowing Its Stack, Unleashing a Tsunami – The Prophetic Significance.” This podcast updates and adds more, bringing facts even more in line with prophetic significance.

Podcast LXIII was given to me last night by Abba: “Song of Songs – Hasten to Open the Door to Him – Don’t Let Him Go Away.” While speaking in this podcast, Abba gave me more insight, more revelation I had not previously seen. There is a lot of depth shared from His heart to you.

While these two subjects seem totally different, they are not. The first is a wakeup call to put the words of the second podcast into action. Isn’t all of His Word interlocked? What we are seeing today in the world, the final preparation for a Globalist one world order, one world government, is a call to His loyal servants to prepare to go deeper into Him. This is encouragement piled on top of harsh reality, both go hand in hand.

Besides listening directly from my website, these are also options:

If you have I-Tunes go to this link:


I am also on Speaker Radio. The first link is for people with android devices (phones). This is primarily for South African who have mostly Android.


This is for I-phone application:


Blessings, shalom!


December 29, 2018

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