“Podcast LXXX: Breaking Through What Seems Impossible in Order to Birth Your Eternal Destiny – Part I” and “Podcast LXXXI: Breaking Through What Seems Impossible in Order to Birth Your Eternal Destiny – Part II,” are now posted for you to listen to under Audio Messages on
The two previous podcasts, Podcasts LXXVIII and LXXIX, lay foundational principals of obtaining breakthrough. I build today’s two podcasts on the foundation of the two previous podcasts. This two-part teaching today is about breakthroughs that lead to birthing our eternal destiny – so many abort their own blessings without realizing it. Jonah 2:8, 9b, Jonah wrote: “Those observing lying vanities, forsake their own mercy…Deliverance is from Yahuwah.”
The basic foundational principles on which we must build our life are laid out simply in the four podcasts. A true breakthrough that leads to freedom is simply Abba using His methods to take us from where we are to where He wants us to be.
If we follow these simple guidelines laid out by Yahuwah, we will end up completing the course He laid out for us from the foundation of the world, and enter His Kingdom where we’ll live forever.
Take notes, write down Scriptures given, and put the principles into action. Your life will be freed from so many obstacles that may be chaining you down now.
There are spirits of heaviness in our world today, i.e. oppression, depression, hopelessness, and despair. There is great apostasy going on among believers. These wicked spirits are from the dark kingdom. If you are born again, all the enemy can do is attack your mind, emotions, and body. But, you have all the ability, power, and authority to shut up the voice of the enemy and set yourself on the pathway to victory–IF you know how to use what Yahuwah has given to you through our Master, Yahushua Messiah.
Yahushua said: “Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your soul” (your mind and emotions).
Learn the basics of living a life of freedom, peace, joy, and rest, without fear, anxiety, worry, or fretting. Be free from the heaviness of the enemy!
As always, I share from my own experiences in learning, mostly from my mistakes, but especially learning from Father’s faithful rescues. There are principles that the church and/or congregation will not tell you, because most pastors and teachers are no more than parrots of their teachers, who are parrots of their teachers. They do not know what it means to live in the Spirit, so how can they teach it to others? Being intellectual and theological won’t set you free. Being childlike, holding Daddy’s hand–obeying Him, loving Him, knowing Him–that will set you free.
Few personally know Abba and His Son. They might know theology and a few principals of the psyche, but to know how to walk with Him as Abraham did – that’s rare for most living in our pagan world. To learn from the Master is the only safe way of going forward with your life, out of the cage man and demons wants to keep us in. A person can go to 10,000 church services in their life, keep all the commandments, know theology, and even be a minister, and yet never get off the hamster wheel inside the cage that they’ve built for themselves.
Yahuwah will give us real freedom, as we submit our lives to Him and do things His way!
Shabbat Shalom, in His love,
December 21, 2018